Fat Burners and Fat Burning Foods

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Fat burning pills became very popular because people want to get into quick weight loss programs that will make them achieve fast results.
If you are thinking of buying fat burners, this is the time for you to know that these pills are very dangerous to your health.
Fat burners put you at risk of developing serious health conditions like heart attack, hormone imbalances and other heart diseases.
These pills may also have permanent effects on your metabolism.
There are other methods you can follow to lose the fat in a safe way.

Top 10 Fat Burning Foods

* 1 Green Vegetables

Foods like spinach and kale are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre.
They also give you the full up feeling.

* 2 Cayenne Pepper

There's a reason spicy foods make you sweat.
Cayenne pepper that triggers a 'burn' that lasts for hours after eating.

* 3 Hot Chillies

The capsaicin in chillies temporarily stimulates your body, boosting metabolism.

* 4 Whole Grains

Fibre generally takes longer and requires more energy to digest.
Have a bowl of whole grain cereal with skimmed milk for breakfast.

* 5 Lean Meat

Pieces of the leanest meat, like chicken breasts with all the fat removed, are great for making you feel fuller for longer.

* 6 Green Tea

This has polyphenals and catechins that give the body a small calorie burning boost.

* 7 Eggs

Start having eggs for breakfast, as research shows that the morning meal fires up your metabolism.

* 8 Berries

Berries are full of nutrients. The fibre makes your digestive system work harder.

* 9 Lemon Juice And Honey

It's thought one glass a day may increase fat burning speed.

* 10 Almonds

A good source of fibre and protein that aids fullness.

Still confused about how to lose weight without fat burners and still be able to eat the foods you love?

visit [http://www.fatburners-review.com] to find out more.
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