My Scooter Won't Turn Over
- 1). Remove any body panels necessary to access the scooter engine. Locate the spark plug. Make sure the spark plug cap that goes over the spark rests securely to the plug. Confirm the wire going from the plug to the ignition box has no rips, exposure or breaks in it. Tape up any frayed areas with black electric tape and reconnect the wire to the box and plug cap.
- 2). Remove the spark plug cap with a wire on it. Use a socket wrench and unscrew the plug. Confirm if the plug shows an oily or sooty black color. Replace the old plug with a new spark plug since a black plug likely means it is fouled.
- 3). Check the battery power. Confirm the lights won't turn out when the engine is off. Locate the battery water levels and confirm that the water inside the battery levels out at or above the minimum water lines. Use needle-nose pliers to pull out the yellow water plugs. Add some bottle water if the levels are too low and possibly expose the battery cell. Put the plugs back in and try the engine again.
- 4). Open up the scooter seat and find the gas tank. Open the gas tank lid and confirm the gas level is above the reserve level. Switch the gas flow on/off switch to reserve flow versus normal flow if the gas level turns out to be below reserve. Add gas from a spare gas tank if the gas level shows almost at the bottom of the tank.
- 5). Locate the fuse box on the scooter. Check if the main fuse has burned out. Replace the fuse with a new one. Disconnect any turn signals so the only power draw is the brake light and head light. Turn on the system again and confirm the new fuse won't burn out. Start the engine and return home to repair the electrical short in the system later on.