Embarking Upon The Sea Princess With Truth
You may of heard about Sea Princess having passengers suffering from gastric flu (Gastroenteritis) but on board this ship built in Fincantieri, Italy and began operation in 1998 there calling it norovirus caused through contaminated food or water, by person-to-person contact. Now this outbreak has caused delayed embarkation whilst the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on May 30, 2011 conducted a red level cleaning procedure in San Francisco, CA and from investigation on the Sea Princess they found 128 passengers out of 2053 and 13 crew out of 838 were suffering from symptoms of vomiting and diarrhoea. Now even today the Princess Cruises website is not providing access to their press release so it is not possible to give the companies version of accounts for the causes and affect of this outbreak but there has to be a reason why their website continues to crash.
Now lets talk about the cruise of your lifetime with value for money because their can be no doubt Princess Cruises are desperate to turn the boat around and allow people to be re-assured their health is not at risk whilst cruising with them. so if your looking for a vacation in the next few months these things are to be considered. The Sea Princess cabin has all the amenities you would expect colour TV with movies and CNN; hair dryers; terry cloth robes; safes; mini refrigerators; beds that convert from twin to queen size. 400 cabins have their own private balconies at 178 square feet. Mini suits are two rooms 374 square feet and of course all gave a balcony with marble bathrooms. Now there are standard outside cabins but this we will not go into because your entitled to the best that the company has to offer because this of course is a risk factor based on the information provided you are in a much stronger position for negotiation.
Now can you picture yourself onboard the Sea Princess with her sophisticated art collection covering the pale beech panelling, your sitting in the soft light looking out on to the ocean through the enormous windows. Ok now your thinking about the cuisine, pizza's made to order, pasta and beef, the steakhouse, ice cream bar and of course deserts and coffee. Of course you will have a 24 hour restaurant offering hamburger, hot dog, sushi and patisserie. You will dine between
(6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.) in a beautiful hand painted glass partition restaurant. After you have dined the choices you have are endless, the theatre, cabaret, floor shows, golf simulator, Spa, Whirlpool of course various pools not to forget you can also have a personal trainer to assist you with the fitness facilities.
Now you are armed with this information your able to set your budget to a reduction of 50% if not 80% off your flights, travel insurance and Caribbean cruise or you may even be able to negotiate a regular price for first class upgrade and there is even room for more when you come to discuss rental cars, basically your the loyal customer who expects to be treated with some consideration because from the reputation this well know company has it needs all the support and confidence you can offer so for one trade in exchange for another get on the phone and offer them your custom.
Now lets talk about the cruise of your lifetime with value for money because their can be no doubt Princess Cruises are desperate to turn the boat around and allow people to be re-assured their health is not at risk whilst cruising with them. so if your looking for a vacation in the next few months these things are to be considered. The Sea Princess cabin has all the amenities you would expect colour TV with movies and CNN; hair dryers; terry cloth robes; safes; mini refrigerators; beds that convert from twin to queen size. 400 cabins have their own private balconies at 178 square feet. Mini suits are two rooms 374 square feet and of course all gave a balcony with marble bathrooms. Now there are standard outside cabins but this we will not go into because your entitled to the best that the company has to offer because this of course is a risk factor based on the information provided you are in a much stronger position for negotiation.
Now can you picture yourself onboard the Sea Princess with her sophisticated art collection covering the pale beech panelling, your sitting in the soft light looking out on to the ocean through the enormous windows. Ok now your thinking about the cuisine, pizza's made to order, pasta and beef, the steakhouse, ice cream bar and of course deserts and coffee. Of course you will have a 24 hour restaurant offering hamburger, hot dog, sushi and patisserie. You will dine between
(6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.) in a beautiful hand painted glass partition restaurant. After you have dined the choices you have are endless, the theatre, cabaret, floor shows, golf simulator, Spa, Whirlpool of course various pools not to forget you can also have a personal trainer to assist you with the fitness facilities.
Now you are armed with this information your able to set your budget to a reduction of 50% if not 80% off your flights, travel insurance and Caribbean cruise or you may even be able to negotiate a regular price for first class upgrade and there is even room for more when you come to discuss rental cars, basically your the loyal customer who expects to be treated with some consideration because from the reputation this well know company has it needs all the support and confidence you can offer so for one trade in exchange for another get on the phone and offer them your custom.