Home Remedies For Gastritis - Treat This Problem Naturally
Gastritis refers to a set of conditions that have one common feature, inflammation or swelling of the stomach lining. It is mostly caused by a bacterial infection. Other reasons that can lead the occurrence of gastritis are excessive alcohol consumptions, traumatic injuries, stress, HIV, Crohn's disease, bile reflux disease, stress, autoimmune problems, and the frequent use of pain relievers. There are mainly two sorts of gastritis, chronic gastritis and acute gastritis. When the inflammation of stomach occurs gradually and over time, it is referred to as chronic gastritis. The inflammation that occurs suddenly and lasts for a brief period of time is known as acute gastritis,
The key signs and symptoms of gastritis include nausea, vomiting, a sensation of fullness after meals, and upper abdominal pain. However, it should be noted that some types of gastritis are asymptomatic, without any symptoms. Although inflammation of stomach lining is not a life-threatening or a serious medical situation, if left untreated it can result in stomach ulcers or in a high risk for stomach cancer. Gastritis is often treated with antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, acid blockers, or antacids. The symptoms of gastritis can also be relieved by using some home remedies for gastritis, which are simple, convenient to use, and inexpensive.
Undoubtedly, one of the most important home remedies for gastritis is to stay away from the foods that are not good for your stomach. Avoid caffeine, chocolates, and spicy, fatty, and acidic foods. Also, keep away from diary products until your symptoms are completely resolved. Try to cut down your alcohol consumption and the intake of pain killers. It is very important to control your stress level, as stress can worsen the symptoms caused by the inflammation of stomach lining. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Eat your dinner minimum 2 hours before you go to bed. People with gastritis are often advised to eat small meals rather than consuming three large meals.
Ginger, with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, is a best home remedy to control the symptoms of gastritis. Mix ginger juice with mint juice and drink it three times daily. To prevent gastritis, peel a ginger and chew it before each meal. Ingesting coconut water two times a day is also helpful for gastritis. Likewise, drinking Chamomile tea two or three times daily is one among the effective home remedies for gastritis. It contains a flavonoid, Apigenin, which does have anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial to treat gastritis.
Make a mixture of tamarind water, cumin water, buttermilk, and curd. Add some asafetida to it. Drink this mixture to alleviate the inflammation. Potato juice is one of the simple home remedies for gastritis. Drink a half cup of potato juice half an hour before meals. Repeat it two or three times a day. The symptoms of gastritis can also be eased by placing hot compress or a bottle filled with hot water over the stomach area twice a day. Make sure to do it when your stomach is empty or two hours after eating. Taking Licorice or Goldenseal supplements is also efficacious in treating gastritis.
The key signs and symptoms of gastritis include nausea, vomiting, a sensation of fullness after meals, and upper abdominal pain. However, it should be noted that some types of gastritis are asymptomatic, without any symptoms. Although inflammation of stomach lining is not a life-threatening or a serious medical situation, if left untreated it can result in stomach ulcers or in a high risk for stomach cancer. Gastritis is often treated with antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, acid blockers, or antacids. The symptoms of gastritis can also be relieved by using some home remedies for gastritis, which are simple, convenient to use, and inexpensive.
Undoubtedly, one of the most important home remedies for gastritis is to stay away from the foods that are not good for your stomach. Avoid caffeine, chocolates, and spicy, fatty, and acidic foods. Also, keep away from diary products until your symptoms are completely resolved. Try to cut down your alcohol consumption and the intake of pain killers. It is very important to control your stress level, as stress can worsen the symptoms caused by the inflammation of stomach lining. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices. Eat your dinner minimum 2 hours before you go to bed. People with gastritis are often advised to eat small meals rather than consuming three large meals.
Ginger, with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, is a best home remedy to control the symptoms of gastritis. Mix ginger juice with mint juice and drink it three times daily. To prevent gastritis, peel a ginger and chew it before each meal. Ingesting coconut water two times a day is also helpful for gastritis. Likewise, drinking Chamomile tea two or three times daily is one among the effective home remedies for gastritis. It contains a flavonoid, Apigenin, which does have anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial to treat gastritis.
Make a mixture of tamarind water, cumin water, buttermilk, and curd. Add some asafetida to it. Drink this mixture to alleviate the inflammation. Potato juice is one of the simple home remedies for gastritis. Drink a half cup of potato juice half an hour before meals. Repeat it two or three times a day. The symptoms of gastritis can also be eased by placing hot compress or a bottle filled with hot water over the stomach area twice a day. Make sure to do it when your stomach is empty or two hours after eating. Taking Licorice or Goldenseal supplements is also efficacious in treating gastritis.