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Many of these cases could have been completely avoided had the home or business owner used arrest records and county criminal records to thoroughly investigate the workers coming into their home.
One of the most dangerous assumptions is that you don't need to check records of arrest or county criminal records for people who work outside the home, such as house painters.
Just because someone does not actually enter your home doesn't meant they can't harm you.
They will become familiar with the times you leave the home and may be able to see through windows to determine which rooms you have valuables in, or even which windows and doors may sometimes be left unlocked.
If you checked the arrest records and county criminal records for those painters before you allowed them near your home, you may avoid becoming the next reported victim.
Checking records of arrest is even more important when hiring someone to do work inside your home.
They will have direct access to all of your valuables and may even be near your children at some point.
Even if you do not allow them to be alone with your children, they will know who your kids are and in what part of the home they sleep.
That kind of knowledge is not something you want a criminal to get a hold of, so you have to protect yourself by running their arrest records and county criminal records before they step foot in your home.
If you are hiring individual workers this is rather simple, since you only need to know their full name and state of residence to check all public arrest records and county criminal records in their history.
This will tell you in seconds how many times they have been arrested, what they have been arrested for, if they have been convicted of any crimes, and if they have spent any amount of time in jail.
This is invaluable, since you would never invite a thief just out of prison to spend a week at your home painting the walls! The scary thing is, people who do not run checks into arrest records and county criminal records will never know that the person just got out of prison.
When you check their country criminal records there is no hiding! If you are hiring with a company that says they have completed background checks already, don't fall for it! Do your own investigation into the county criminal records for yourself so you know nothing was missed.
For instance, some employers only run basic arrest records and county criminal records for the name given on an application, but many criminals use different aliases.
When you do your own search for arrest records and detailed county criminal records you will also get information on their aliases and even find out who their relatives and close friends are.
You are likely to turn up a lot more information by running these searches yourself, so never trust an employer who states they have done their own background check.
Public access to Public Arrest Records and county criminal records is your right! Protect yourself and use it.