Internet Business Tip: Translate All Your Materials and Articles
By utilizing only a few extra minutes of your time, you can run your articles and websites through an online translator and widen your audience by millions.
I know that most of you are thinking how easy it would be to just use one of the services out there that allow a viewer to click the translate button and the entire text is translated into the appropriate language.
But, the problem with that is search engines from other countries aren't going to pick up the translated text so they will probably never know you exist.
Also, the translations are so terrible, most people don't take the time to bother.
The free way to translate.
There are many free services that will translate the text for you.
Most of them are pretty bad, but I don't feel like that matters as long as you put a disclaimer on the top of the articles saying it was translated by a software translator.
If the information you are providing is that good, the reader will forgive you.
The important thing is that your materials are being spread world-wide.
And more importantly, it is important that you get world wide recognition Trade Service for Service or Pay! Sometimes, people who run newsletters in other countries accept articles written in English and will translate them for you.
Just make sure and ask them for a copy of the translation so you can send that translation to other ezines and article directories.
If you can't find somebody to translate your articles for free, of course there is always the option to pay a service.
I hope something in this article sparks your imagination.