Learn Day Trading Strategies - Do Unemployment Claims Really Matter Anymore?
It used to be, just a few months ago, that the Markets sat on the edge of their seats as they tensely waited for the latest Unemployment Claims data to be released, ready to race one way or another based on the results.
These swings in the Markets were always dramatic - immediate 5-10 point rises or falls were NOT uncommon, and those involved in day trading loved every second of it.
But a couple of months ago, something interesting started happening.
The market started acting irrationally.
News that should drive the markets up instead caused them to plummet.
News that should be catastrophic caused an immediate gyration, then a nice steady upwards trend.
(NOTE: It's not that unusual for the Markets to do things that defy logic and reason.
I liken the Markets to a Great White Shark - an unthinking, risk- capital-account eating machine, praying on the unsuspecting day trader who isn't armed with the tools necessary to survive in the dangerous day trading waters.
) But that's not where the market weirdness ends for day trading.
You see, over the past month or so, the markets have been behaving even MORE strangely around the Unemployment Claims announcements.
Where this announcement used to have an immediate and dramatic impact on the Markets, even when it was something irrational movement, now the markets tend to do...
not much of anything.
It's like the investors and Traders out there are saying to themselves "Oh, another 500,000 people filed their very first unemployment claim this week.
Ho hum.
No big deal.
I wonder what Bernanke had for breakfast...
" What, are you kidding me? That's almost 500,000 NEWLY unemployed workers! And that's a Weekly figure! Well, guess what happened this morning - the unemployment claims data was released, and there were 456,000 NEW unemployment claims last week.
That's 456,000 people who filed their very first unemployment claims EVER - in ONE WEEK.
And what did the market do? NOTHING.
It's like investors and Traders don't really care about unemployment anymore, like they're just numb to it - where just a few months ago, EVERYONE cared.
And the markets reacted VIOLENTLY to this data.
My point here is this: The markets are dynamic.
They change.
And what affects the markets changes too.
The danger facing many Traders today is that most learn day trading from a static training course (written or video), or from some form of a one-time trading seminar.
The issue here is, once the market shifts or evolves (which happens frequently) what you learned in that day trading course could quickly irrelevant, and that trading strategy which you toiled to learn could cease to be effective.
Because the Markets are dynamic, so should be your trading education.
To learn day trading strategies for ongoing effective trading, you should find a Trading Academy that features an ONGOING trading education, with LIVE classes every week, and regular forecasts and updates on what's actually moving the markets TODAY...
You see, the Unemployment Claims phenomenon works in the other direction too.
Things that just a few months or even weeks ago caused barely a blip on the Market's radar screen now cause significant reactions.
The market is ALWAYS changing and evolving.
So should your trading strategy.
If you are looking for long-term trading success, then it is NOT in your best interest to pick up some training course that's probably already irrelevant.
And it is also not the wisest decision to drop $5K - $10K to attend some week-long Trading Seminar that'll teach you the trading basics, but has no Continuous Education component - which leaves you out there to sink or swim as the Markets shift and evolve.