Parsnips: More Than the Fat White Carrots They Look Like
Parsnips may look like fat white carrots, but they are, despite what some blow-hards may insist, their own vegetable. They are not the tasty, crunchy raw snacks that carrots can be, but their nutty taste is delicious added to roasts, soups, and stews.
Parsnips are primarily harvested in the fall and available from storage through the winter. Cold helps convert their starch into sugar, so a later harvest or long cold storage, far from being a detriment, can sweeten up these creamy white wonders.
Parsnips have a great, distinctly nutty flavor. When cooked until tender they also have a lovely, starchy texture that works beautifully roasted or added to soups and stews. Parsnips pair particularly well with other root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and turnips.
Get great ideas with 10 Great Ways to Use Root Vegetables.
Parsnip Season
Parsnips are primarily harvested in the fall and available from storage through the winter. Cold helps convert their starch into sugar, so a later harvest or long cold storage, far from being a detriment, can sweeten up these creamy white wonders.
Buying & Storing Parsnips
Look for bright, very firm, relatively smooth parsnips. If you buy parsnips with their greens still attached, the greens should look fresh and moist. Remove greens when you get them home and store parsnips chilled and loosely wrapped in plastic. Fresh parsnips will last a week or two properly stored.Cooking With Parsnips
Parsnips have a great, distinctly nutty flavor. When cooked until tender they also have a lovely, starchy texture that works beautifully roasted or added to soups and stews. Parsnips pair particularly well with other root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, and turnips.
Get great ideas with 10 Great Ways to Use Root Vegetables.