Great Activities To Do With Young Grandchildren
Go on a nature walk with the grandchildren. If they are small enough to ride in a stroller, this may be an easier task than if they want to run around. Make the walk fun by playing "I Spy" or a treasure hunt. For instance, if it is fall, help your grandchildren find leaves in different colors or pine cones. You can use these items for a little art project later on.
Play board games together. Young children love when adults take the time to play games with them. Even if you aren't a fan of the game they want to play, it can open up the opportunity to talk, laugh and just have fun together. If you prefer, you can introduce your grandchildren to your favorite game from when you were a child. This will help show your grandchildren that you were small once too and give them a peak into your childhood.
Young children love to spend time outdoors. Choose activities that you enjoy so you can share your experiences with your grandchildren. For instance, if you like to go fishing, bring your grandchildren along and teach them how to fish. Or if you like to go camping, set up the tent in the backyard and have a picnic. Using your imagination is a great exercise for your mind and helps you connect with your grandchildren on a new level.
Let your grandchildren help you cook. Children love to feel useful. If you need to cook a meal while your grandchildren are with you, allow them to help you in the kitchen by stirring or helping you pour ingredients in a bowl. You can also bake something fun, like cookies or brownies, with the help of your grandchildren. They will love feeling useful and helping you eat what they make too.
Spending time with your grandchildren can be fun for both you and them if you organize activities to do together. These activities will help you bond with your grandchildren in new ways and give you common ground. Even young grandchildren love spending time with the adults in their lives, particularly their grandparents.