Making Glycerin Soap From Scratch
- Glycerin is important for soap because it works as a moisturizer. Not only does it dissolve well in water, it also is good for dissolving other things. Because it is able to absorb water out of the air, glycerin works very well to help keep the skin from drying out. Glycerin normally gets into soap because when the lye and the fat are mixed, glycerin is produced. Glycerin is sometimes removed from commercial soaps. For people making their own soap, glycerin can also be purchased to produce soap with a higher glycerin content.
- If the glycerin is already purchased, then the soap can be prepared quite easily by simply melting the glycerin, adding additional coloring agents and fragrances, and then pouring it into a mold to cool. For a stronger soap, adding a certain amount of lye (usually about 5 ounces for every gallon of glycerin) will help the soap cut through grease better. Adding additional water can also help the soap generate more lather. Usually, a mixture of one part water for every three parts glycerin is a good ratio.
- Soap produced from a simple mixture of glycerin, lye, and water will work very well for cleaning but may be a bit too simplistic for personal use. As a result, many people like to add coloring and additional scents to make it resemble commercially available soaps. In most cases, "essential oils" can be used for almost any desired fragrance. These oils can either be made at home using a special distiller or purchased from a store. It is important not to add too much of these oils, as they tend to be very strong and the smell can become overpowering.