The Sell Out For Obamacare
The all powerful American Medical Association takes a great deal of it's funding from the very federal government that it is backing, but what percentage of the physicians practicing in the United States does the AMA actually represent.
The results may astound you.
It has as its membership base less than twenty percent of the physicians that are part of the practitioners in the country.
In fact, less than fifty percent of physicians wanted the legislation that the AMA lobbied for.
Not only does the AMA not represent the physicians that it purportedly serves but it does not in any way, shape or form, represent the best interests of the patients that those physicians serve.
Across the country Americans are outraged to find that the AMA effectively lobbied to prohibit them from taking part in a poll about their feelings on the new healthcare legislation.
The saddest part of that fact is that only those who are paying close attention know anything about it.
In fact, the American Medical association represents no interests but their own.
They have consistently offered untruths when asked about the percentage of American phyicians who are for the legislation that is offered.
More than 1200 physicians randomly selected and polled by the IBD/TIPP last fall stated, according to reports published in Investors.
com, that well over half of those physicians are opposed vehemently to the Obamacare plan.
There were neither heard nor asked their opinion, instead their voices were literally shouted down by the special interest group that the AMA has become.
Coincidentally, of those physicians, more than 45 percent of all physicians polled said that if the Obama care plans went through as they were, they would consider shutting down their practices.
This certainly doesn't jibe with the reports and commentary of the White House as well as the American Medical Association, that the physicians of America are squarely behind what they have done and are doing to the American public.
It is both astonishing and dismaying to find that an organization that used to hold such high ideals has offered us information that is blatantly false.
It is reprehensible that is has also given us less than no credit for intellect enough to speak our mind via a poll about the health care that will affect us far more than it will them.