Home Remedy For Head Lice
Great! So what are the alternatives? Well in our house we have never used commercial medications and yet we are still head lice free.
A few weeks ago our son came home from school scratching his head.
On inspection it proved that he had nits (lice eggs) and may be one or two nymphs (infant lice) on his head.
It is sometimes hard to distinguish between them as they are very small.
What was our home remedy for head lice? Well we have a high quality head lice comb and some tea tree oil spray.
The morning and evening routine was to diligently comb through the hair with close visual examination of both the hair and the teeth of the comb after each stroke through the hair.
If any nits or lice were found these were removed and squashed and then washed away down the sink.
Remember the combing was done twice a day and lasted up to 15 minutes each time.
In the mornings before going to school we would spray our son's hair and head with tea tree oil spray.
The dosage was quite generous and we ensured a complete coverage of the oil.
The purpose behind this was to kill existing nymphs and ensure that any hatching eggs were met with a deterrent on their introduction to the world.
After approximately one week of treatment the nits and nymphs were gone and no adult lice were ever allowed to develop.
There are a number of natural remedies for head lice including mayonnaise, tea tree oil, olive oil and petroleum jelly.