Watercolour Painting Courses
It seems like anyone who can paint has made a DVD about how to paint.
Many of these DVDs are poor quality, not very informative and can soon lead a novice into a state of confusion and eventually demoralisation.
If you are looking to learn how to paint in watercolours but don't have the time to attend a class then a good watercolour painting course is your next best choice.
A course that you can do at home in your own time that doesn't assume you already have some knowledge and teaches you the basics at the start.
Watercolour painting is just a skill and like any skill it can be learned by anyone who is prepared to put some time in and master the basics.
Forget all the nonsense about it being a gift that only a few have.
This is a myth perpetrated by art snobs.
Art is for everyone and anyone can learn how to paint and enjoy the wonderful feeling that comes with creating a painting.
The best watercolour painting course in my opinion is DVD based and starts from the basics.
Like any skill you need to master the basics before you can paint a good picture, this takes a little time but is not difficult for someone willing to learn.
I've found DVDs to be the easiest way to learn how to paint and the best watercolour painting courses are DVD based.
Books are great but cannot explain something as good as an artist can demonstrate on a DVD.
DVD instruction makes it easier to grasp points and watching a teacher demonstrate on the screen gives the novice confidence.
A good watercolour painting course should contain plenty of DVDs starting from the basics and gradually leading the student onto more complex tasks.
Purchasing one good course will not cost as much as attending a class and you have the advantage of being able to replay the parts you want to clarify.
I would always recommend buying one good course rather than buying lots of disjointed books and DVDs that do not follow a logical tuition path.
Learning to paint in watercolours requires you to master lots of little skills and a course that follows a logical sequence will ensure you don't skip these skills.
If you've been thinking of learning to paint in watercolours and attending a class is not an option for you then I would recommend that you invest in a good home study course that is DVD based.
Remember watercolour painting is just a skill and can be learned if you are prepared to put the time and effort in.