Parenting Teenagers - Need Help Handling an Unruly Teen?
What you may need is a course labeled "Parenting 101-How to Deal With a Disrespectful Teenager.
" You are not alone-thousands of parents are searching the Internet for a simple answer to restore a sense of normalcy in their home.
But as you now realize, parenting encompasses many different things.
No one single approach will cure the ills we as parents experience.
Is there a cure for adolescence? My purpose here is to reassure you that while there is no one single "silver bullet," there is one single source for all of the answers you need.
And my guess is that you desperately need those answers today! Somehow I managed to survive those dreaded teenage growth years.
As a parent of 4 kids, a grandfather of 12 and great-granddad of 2, I do have a little bit of experience in child-raising.
my kids were far from perfect.
And I faced many of the same problems you face today.
My teenagers grew to adulthood without the benefit of the Internet, cell phones and texting.
But they were teens during that dreaded period of time when "hippies" seemed to rule the planet.
Each period of child development has had its share of difficult times.
The only difference is that the technology has changed.
Yesterday's "flower children" are today's computer addicts.
And of course I didn't have access to Google or the other search engines to help me with the answers of how to raise my children to become useful members of society.
I had to "wing it.
" I watched helplessly as my grown children struggled with the same "growing pains" I witnessed as their children matured.
But they did mature and now their children are facing the same sort of difficulties.
Way back then, how I wished I could find the "silver bullet" that would put my kids on the right track.
What would we do without the Internet? Today's parents, folks like you, have a distinct advantage in that the answers you need are just a "mouse-click" away.
Of course you can tough it out...
let time heal the problems you face with your teenager.
But you don't have to do that.
You can begin working on the child-rearing problems you face every day.
And you can begin this quest TODAY.
there are child psychologists, and if you can afford that route, then by all means-pursue it.
But the fact that you are reading this and are not sitting in some waiting room waiting to talk to a child-rearing specialist, tells me that you have had enough and want help with your situation NOW! The choice is yours...
you can keep searching the Internet for the answers-the magic bullet-that will make everything OK between you and your teenager.
And if you have plenty of time, then keep on searching.
" You are not alone-thousands of parents are searching the Internet for a simple answer to restore a sense of normalcy in their home.
But as you now realize, parenting encompasses many different things.
No one single approach will cure the ills we as parents experience.
Is there a cure for adolescence? My purpose here is to reassure you that while there is no one single "silver bullet," there is one single source for all of the answers you need.
And my guess is that you desperately need those answers today! Somehow I managed to survive those dreaded teenage growth years.
As a parent of 4 kids, a grandfather of 12 and great-granddad of 2, I do have a little bit of experience in child-raising.
my kids were far from perfect.
And I faced many of the same problems you face today.
My teenagers grew to adulthood without the benefit of the Internet, cell phones and texting.
But they were teens during that dreaded period of time when "hippies" seemed to rule the planet.
Each period of child development has had its share of difficult times.
The only difference is that the technology has changed.
Yesterday's "flower children" are today's computer addicts.
And of course I didn't have access to Google or the other search engines to help me with the answers of how to raise my children to become useful members of society.
I had to "wing it.
" I watched helplessly as my grown children struggled with the same "growing pains" I witnessed as their children matured.
But they did mature and now their children are facing the same sort of difficulties.
Way back then, how I wished I could find the "silver bullet" that would put my kids on the right track.
What would we do without the Internet? Today's parents, folks like you, have a distinct advantage in that the answers you need are just a "mouse-click" away.
Of course you can tough it out...
let time heal the problems you face with your teenager.
But you don't have to do that.
You can begin working on the child-rearing problems you face every day.
And you can begin this quest TODAY.
there are child psychologists, and if you can afford that route, then by all means-pursue it.
But the fact that you are reading this and are not sitting in some waiting room waiting to talk to a child-rearing specialist, tells me that you have had enough and want help with your situation NOW! The choice is yours...
you can keep searching the Internet for the answers-the magic bullet-that will make everything OK between you and your teenager.
And if you have plenty of time, then keep on searching.