The Best Positions to Get Pregnant
If you are trying to get pregnant there are a few positions which can help you to do so quickly and efficiently.
One of the best positions is the missionary style where the man lies on top.
This position is favored among other positions such as standing or sitting as it is difficult for a sperm to get near your cervix if gravity is fighting against it.
To further increase your chances it is advisable that you put a pillow under your hips during the intercourse as this helps the sperm to stay longer in the cervix and swim up to fuse with the egg.
You should use the correct size of pillow as a big one or too small can cause the sperm not to be deposited in the entrance of the cervix and instead pool around behind it.
Being relaxed during the intercourse also helps to increase the chances of getting pregnant as this helps the sperm to swim up to the cervix with ease.
To get the sperm to stay in the cervix longer you can stand on your head or remain on the bed with your legs on your chest for about half an hour so that you can make sure that conceiving process is complete.
Other positions to get pregnant are where the man penetrates you from behind.
This helps the sperm to be deposited near the entrance of the cervix which increases the chances of conception.
You can also try having intercourse while lying side to side with your partner.
This greatly increases the chances of becoming pregnant as it causes increased exposure of the cervix to the sperms.
One of the ways which can help you increase the chances of conceiving is to enjoy the love making process so the woman can get an orgasm.
When a woman gets one it leads to contractions which can help to push the sperms into the cervix.
One of the best positions is the missionary style where the man lies on top.
This position is favored among other positions such as standing or sitting as it is difficult for a sperm to get near your cervix if gravity is fighting against it.
To further increase your chances it is advisable that you put a pillow under your hips during the intercourse as this helps the sperm to stay longer in the cervix and swim up to fuse with the egg.
You should use the correct size of pillow as a big one or too small can cause the sperm not to be deposited in the entrance of the cervix and instead pool around behind it.
Being relaxed during the intercourse also helps to increase the chances of getting pregnant as this helps the sperm to swim up to the cervix with ease.
To get the sperm to stay in the cervix longer you can stand on your head or remain on the bed with your legs on your chest for about half an hour so that you can make sure that conceiving process is complete.
Other positions to get pregnant are where the man penetrates you from behind.
This helps the sperm to be deposited near the entrance of the cervix which increases the chances of conception.
You can also try having intercourse while lying side to side with your partner.
This greatly increases the chances of becoming pregnant as it causes increased exposure of the cervix to the sperms.
One of the ways which can help you increase the chances of conceiving is to enjoy the love making process so the woman can get an orgasm.
When a woman gets one it leads to contractions which can help to push the sperms into the cervix.