Elder Care From an Older Perspective
(There are some other things that I don't have control over, either!).
I worked hard all my life and saved so that I could provide a nice retirement for myself and my wife.
I never thought about having to be in this position.
My daughter was kind enough to take care of me and bring me into her home.
With all of her family and career responsibilities, it must be a tremendous burden on her to take care of me, too!Oh, I know that she wears that smile and acts like this is a normal thing for her, but I know better.
Don't get me wrong here;I am most appreciative of being able to stay out of the nursing home and my daughter has been able to take care of me quite well.
I just hate to see her life get put all aside because of her 'old Dad' being unable to take care of himself.
I never thought it would come to this.
Even when her mother was ill before she passed away, my daughter was always 'Johnny on the spot', quickly volunteering to be responsible for Martha when she could no longer care for herself.
My daughter got the rest of the family to pull together and take turns taking Martha to the hospital, to gether prescriptions filled, bringing her meals, etc.
All of these things, you see, were things that I was unable to do for her anymore.
Since my sight failed a few years ago, I've been unable to drive and have to depend on the family to get me from one place to another.
I still consider myself very fortunate.
My brother has dementia and, by now, is probably in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, which absolutely terrifies most people my age.
I sure hope they find a cure for that pretty soon.
I'll take death by car wreck any day.
Anyway, he is in a bad way and is a real load for his family to deal with.
My situation really puts pressure on my whole family.
Some of the kids live out of town and have careers and family that makes it difficult for them to come see me or to support their sister in my care.
Thank God they all talk to one another and pitch in in whatever way they can, especially with the finances.
It must be a real inconvenience for the kids here in town to take the time from their busy schedules to come and take me to the doctors or to rehab.
You see, the stroke left me with some paralysis and they say that, with the proper exercise, I should be able to keep walking for a while.
My mind is still functioning pretty well, though.
It's just the old eyes, speech and body that are failing.
I am so blessed that my kids have come through like troopers.
Sometimes, I wish that I could communicate my feelings toward them, but that's getting difficult now.
I regret that I didn't take better care of myself earlier in life and, as a result, am such a burden on my kids.
I don't think that they will ever know just how much I love them and appreciate all that they are doing for me!