The Best Ways to Keep Your Mind at Work As You Age
This is a reality you will have to come to terms with.
If you are not able to accept this universal truth, you will find that there is little you can do to help yourself.
While you may still be able to handle a body which is slowing down, the lethargy of the mind is something you will find harder to accept.
Although this is bound to happen with age, there is a lot that you can do to retard this process.
The first thing you need to do is cut back drastically on the time you spend in front of the television or with the radio.
These are two devices which may really help you kill time, but do nothing to keep your mind active.
If you are addicted to this mindless recreation, you are sure to make your mind lazier, and prevent it from doing any thinking at all.
This is the best time to pursue your hobbies again.
Look for what interests you, and try and give it more time and effort.
Your body may let you down slightly, but find ways to work around it.
Here is one way of doing that.
You may love to knit, stitch and do handwork, but your eyesight may impair you.
A great avenue for you here is to start designing patterns that can be embroidered or woven.
You can have the satisfaction of having your work reproduced for you when you are unable to do it yourself.
Better still, look for novices and help them with their work, and put your expertise to good use.
If you have any skill, use it to your advantage and let it help you think.
Your community is sure to benefit from your years of experience.
Look for ways you can give back to your neighbourhood.
Not only is this a way to be occupied productively, but a sure way to keep your mind and body active.
There are lots of demands that come with old age.
How you deal with it determines how happy and active you will be.
You may choose to brood over it and let it get the better of you, or find ways in which you can counter the menaces to the best of your ability, and lead a more fulfilling life.
The quality of your life is most often the result of the choices that you make.
Make a wise choice and ensure yourself a lifetime of happiness.