How to Build a Model of the Alamo
- 1). Cut out pieces of cardboard. Cut two pieces to measure 6 inches square, and three pieces to measure 12 inches long by 6 inches wide.
- 2). Place one of the 12- by 6-inch pieces horizontally onto a flat surface.
- 3). Hot glue the other 12- by 6-inch pieces to the flat piece, arranging the sides so that they sit perpendicular to the flat pieces.Make sure that the long sides are placed together.
- 4). Hot glue the 6-inch squares to either end of the structure.
- 5). Decide which long side will be the front of the Alamo, and cut out a round-top door from the middle.
- 6). Cut out a couple of windows on either side of the door.
- 7). Cover the entire structure with air-drying clay.
- 8). Use a clay knife to make the top edge scalloped like the Alamo.
- 9). Allow the clay to dry completely.
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Paint the Alamo model with acrylic paint. - 11
Allow the paint to dry completely before displaying the model.