Yeast Free Food For a Yeast Free Diet - Part One
There seems to be some disagreement surrounding what a yeast free diet is and what is yeast free food. Some claim that wheat is not allowed while others say you can eat it. Some people say you can use soy but others say 'no'. As an amateur nutritionist I will try to present a few facts that will help clear up some disagreement. As a chef for 25 years and catering manager in an elderly care home for a few years I feel well qualified to make these comparisons. I also use a yeast free diet but as a preventative method rather than a treatment. But I do feel much better and I have lost a few excess pounds so perhaps it is justified.
The basis of a yeast free diet should be to concentrate on wholly natural foods. The reasoning behind this is that the body and the chemicals used to digest food have been designed just for that and not for all the preservatives and flavor enhancers that are used.
If we take salt as an example, table salt is processed from natural salt and all the minerals present, apart from the sodium chloride, are removed. Chemicals and iodine (the addition of iodine is another story) are then added to keep the salt free flowing and dry. Firstly, we are losing out on the minerals and secondly we are taking in chemicals that shouldn't be there and are not natural food. While the chemicals are not dangerous in themselves they do make the digestive system work overtime to get rid of them leaving a gap for the yeast.
Refined sugar and processed sugar seems to be agreed on by everyone. This is understandable as sugar is used in baking to make yeast active. However there does seem to be controversy over sweeteners. My personal recommendation is to avoid them initially because they are not a natural food and contain various chemicals. Even the so called natural sweeteners will have been processed.
Fruit contains fructose which is a natural sugar. Some fruits have higher levels than others but all fruit should be avoided for the first few weeks. After the initial period then green apples, water melon and strawberries should be okay. Start off with some small portions and see how you feel. Most dried fruits like dates and raisins are high in sugar and should be avoided completely. Some root vegetables also contain fructose, notably carrots. However a small portion mixed with other vegetables should be okay. Avoid eating raw carrot for snacks initially.
At the present moment there has not been any scientific research into candida infection and how a diet can help. Much of the information has come from personal experience and recommendation. Because everyone is different I have tried to take a more scientific approach to the diet and explain why some foods are allowed and others are not.
The basis of a yeast free diet should be to concentrate on wholly natural foods. The reasoning behind this is that the body and the chemicals used to digest food have been designed just for that and not for all the preservatives and flavor enhancers that are used.
If we take salt as an example, table salt is processed from natural salt and all the minerals present, apart from the sodium chloride, are removed. Chemicals and iodine (the addition of iodine is another story) are then added to keep the salt free flowing and dry. Firstly, we are losing out on the minerals and secondly we are taking in chemicals that shouldn't be there and are not natural food. While the chemicals are not dangerous in themselves they do make the digestive system work overtime to get rid of them leaving a gap for the yeast.
Refined sugar and processed sugar seems to be agreed on by everyone. This is understandable as sugar is used in baking to make yeast active. However there does seem to be controversy over sweeteners. My personal recommendation is to avoid them initially because they are not a natural food and contain various chemicals. Even the so called natural sweeteners will have been processed.
Fruit contains fructose which is a natural sugar. Some fruits have higher levels than others but all fruit should be avoided for the first few weeks. After the initial period then green apples, water melon and strawberries should be okay. Start off with some small portions and see how you feel. Most dried fruits like dates and raisins are high in sugar and should be avoided completely. Some root vegetables also contain fructose, notably carrots. However a small portion mixed with other vegetables should be okay. Avoid eating raw carrot for snacks initially.
At the present moment there has not been any scientific research into candida infection and how a diet can help. Much of the information has come from personal experience and recommendation. Because everyone is different I have tried to take a more scientific approach to the diet and explain why some foods are allowed and others are not.