What Is The Sperm Chromosome That Produce Girl Or Boy Babies?
I get a lot of questions about influencing your baby's gender.  There are many variables that go into this (timing, PH, sexual positions, the health of both partners, etc.) However, the variable that most people forget are the sperm chromosomes that make the conception a successful one in the first place. It can be easy to forget these little guys that fight behind the scenes. But without them, there would be no pregnancy, no baby, and no birth. These article will talk in depth about the sperm chromosomes that go into conceiving baby girls and baby boys and will show some of the differences and distinctions between them.
XY And XX, Which Makes A Boy And Which Makes A Girl Baby?: If you're a woman who is reading this article, you have 22 chromosomes that make up who you are. One of these decided that you would be female. Yes, there is only one chromosome that decides this gender game of chance. And you, as the woman, don't have much say in the chromosome that you contribute (although you very much do have a say in what happens when you are trying to conceive, which I'll go over more later.) You will always contribute an X (female producing.) This can not be changed.
Your partner or the male that fertilizes your egg offers more choices. Male sperm carries both X and Y chromosomes.  Both of these will make their way into your vaginal tract and encounter many obstacles and variables along the way, but only one will emerge victorious and fertilize the egg. If it is a Y that is able to do this, it would pair with your X and get the sum of XY. This would result in a boy baby. If it is an X that gets to the egg first and is successful, then your sum would be XX and this means that the pregnancy would result in a girl baby.
This happens instantaneously at the moment of conception. Assuming that the pregnancy moves forward and results in a birth, there is nothing that you can do to change your baby's gender after the fact. So, any changes that you want to make must be done in the weeks and months leading up to conception. It is too late to make these changes once conception takes place.
Controlling What You Can: I've already told you that you, as a woman, can not change your X contribution. That's set in stone. But there are many variables that you are able to control. But first you must understand that these chromosomes have their own unique personalities. In general, the X (girl baby producing) are slower moving, but are much more resistant to time and a hostile environment. Meanwhile, the Y (boy producing) are faster, but are much less resistant to deterioration after a short period of time.
So controlling your timing becomes very important. If you conceive early in your fertility cycle, you're more likely to give the X (girls) the edge. If you conceive later, you make it more likely that the Y don't have time to die off before the race begins.
There are other variables too like your vaginal PH (a high one is better for girls and a low one is more friendly to boys.) This is one other thing that you can control through your diet and douching. You can also control the sexual positions that you use in your attempts to conceive.  There are some exceptions to the rule but in general, shallow favors girls while deeper penetration gives the male producing Y's the edge.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender when getting pregnant. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.
If you want a girl baby, check out http://conceive-a-girl-baby.com/
If you want a boy baby, check out http://conceive-a-boy-baby.com/
XY And XX, Which Makes A Boy And Which Makes A Girl Baby?: If you're a woman who is reading this article, you have 22 chromosomes that make up who you are. One of these decided that you would be female. Yes, there is only one chromosome that decides this gender game of chance. And you, as the woman, don't have much say in the chromosome that you contribute (although you very much do have a say in what happens when you are trying to conceive, which I'll go over more later.) You will always contribute an X (female producing.) This can not be changed.
Your partner or the male that fertilizes your egg offers more choices. Male sperm carries both X and Y chromosomes.  Both of these will make their way into your vaginal tract and encounter many obstacles and variables along the way, but only one will emerge victorious and fertilize the egg. If it is a Y that is able to do this, it would pair with your X and get the sum of XY. This would result in a boy baby. If it is an X that gets to the egg first and is successful, then your sum would be XX and this means that the pregnancy would result in a girl baby.
This happens instantaneously at the moment of conception. Assuming that the pregnancy moves forward and results in a birth, there is nothing that you can do to change your baby's gender after the fact. So, any changes that you want to make must be done in the weeks and months leading up to conception. It is too late to make these changes once conception takes place.
Controlling What You Can: I've already told you that you, as a woman, can not change your X contribution. That's set in stone. But there are many variables that you are able to control. But first you must understand that these chromosomes have their own unique personalities. In general, the X (girl baby producing) are slower moving, but are much more resistant to time and a hostile environment. Meanwhile, the Y (boy producing) are faster, but are much less resistant to deterioration after a short period of time.
So controlling your timing becomes very important. If you conceive early in your fertility cycle, you're more likely to give the X (girls) the edge. If you conceive later, you make it more likely that the Y don't have time to die off before the race begins.
There are other variables too like your vaginal PH (a high one is better for girls and a low one is more friendly to boys.) This is one other thing that you can control through your diet and douching. You can also control the sexual positions that you use in your attempts to conceive.  There are some exceptions to the rule but in general, shallow favors girls while deeper penetration gives the male producing Y's the edge.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender when getting pregnant. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, tips, support, and examples of ovulation predictors / PH testing strips.
If you want a girl baby, check out http://conceive-a-girl-baby.com/
If you want a boy baby, check out http://conceive-a-boy-baby.com/