Hemorrhoids Q&A

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Anal fissure, hemorrhoids, or both?
I know I've had some minor hemorrhoids in the recent past, but over the last two days I've developed something that is really desperate. I've got extreme pain contained by the rectum area coupled with throbbing/spasms. From what I've read it sounds close to this is an anal fissure (maybe both)....

Anal Fissure, Hemorrhoids? Please Help!?
PLEASE DON'T BE SCARED OFF BY LENGTH. It seems important for me to tender you the proper background info on the problem so that you can answer it as best as possible. Please read through it and help me out if you know anything give or take a few anal fissures,...

Anal fissure/ hemorrhoid abet?
I only got one response second time, I really need more. I know the difference between an anal fissure and a hemorrhoid (the definition) but i still can't tell which one I own. I have 2 of them. And one is on the front part and the other is on the posterior...

Anal fissures and hemorrhoids ?
For the past 10 months i have have these painful hemorrhoids and an anal fissure that no matter what helpful of medicines my doctor prescribe for me it doesn't help me anymore. I'm presently at a stage where these is making my life so tricky as i can't seem to do...

Anal polyp or hemorrhoid?
Is it possible to have a hemorrhoid for years without it going away on its own or cause any discomfort at all? Because there is a bump right at the outside... it's duplicate color as everything else, just a bump... quite noticable very soon. But it's been there for several years, I...

Anal sex and Hemorrhoids?
i have Hemorrhoids and my bf really wants to own anal sex , can i do it or is it dangerous to do that ? im scared they might pop or something i donno ,pleaseee HELPP Hey, It really depends on how serious your hemorrhoids are. Do you hold internal or external...

Anal sex and Hemorrhoids?
Me and my fiance had anal years ago and now I've gotten out of the denial that I enjoy a small hemorrhoid. Here's my problem. I want to continue having anal sex next to my fiance as it's the MOST pleasure able thing between us both. What ointment,creams, pills, treatments, etc. would...

Anal sex? hemorrhoids?
is it possible to have anal sex if you have hemorrhoids? any ways for it not to hurt or bleed? If you find a guy who's not disgusted, sure you can. I had a mate near a hemorrhoid fetish once. He used to brag about how he loved popping them out. Yes it's...

Annoying Hemorrhoid...?
I've had this thing for a few months and in recent times had a doctor look at it. Doc recommended using some ointment and things of that personality. Will the ointment and cleaning pads seize rid of the hemorrhoid? Or will it just relieve the symptoms? Yes the ointment will back take...

Another sound out something like hemorrhoids and constipation?
I recently got 2 small hemorrhoids around the rim of my butt. I read somewhere that you shouldn't sit on the toilet for more than 3-5 minutes and not to strain if not the hemorrhoids could get worse. Is this true? Also, I don't think I can jump...

Any back next to hemorrhoids?
.Excellent treatment for hemorrhoids is Rue Care Oil - it shrinks the hemorrhoids, stops bleeding, strengthens the veins and prevent hemorrhoids from returning. In most cases you see results already after the first application. The duration of treatment depends on the type and size of your hemorrhoid - for...

Any herbal Remedies for external Hemorrhoids?
lol ...Thanks!May I please have a star? This sounds painful and it is... Take a hot bath, as hot as you can stand, afterwards push them back. This does work but I would then try the cream (preparation H). If no elation go and See your doctor. The only type...

Any Home Cure Methods for Treating Hemorrhoids? is it an Allergy to something?
My Boyfriend has Piles but he is too nervous to travel to the Doctor? any effective home Treatments? what about his diet?is it an Allergy to something? Try witch hazel pad. They will offer some relief, but not cure the symptoms. Hemorrhoids are...

Any homeopathic doctor answer that if in that is a cure of external hemorrhoid short operation?
this question is only for doctors . I used to suffer from external hemorrhoids. The best remedy is the use of the OTC Prep H. Another one is to use tucks.wipe. Sometimes, when it gets so...

Any recommendation for hemorrhoids?
I've done the sitting in water, Preparation H, and Witchhazel pad. I've also tried reflexology. Anything else? contained by addition to the witchhazel use a stool softener. It won't exactly cure them but it will help tremendously none that I have found, and I am recovering from hemorroid removal surgery... dont do...

Any treatment that certainly WORKS for hemorrhoids?
I am 38 weeks pregnant with my second, and I have have a problem with hemorrhoids since I was pregnant near my first and as soon as I thought they were going away, they got worse. My diet is fine, I verbs thoroughly after every bowel movement, not having...

Any treatment that in fact WORKS for hemorrhoids?
I am 38 weeks pregnant with my second, and I have have a problem with hemorrhoids since I was pregnant near my first and as soon as I thought they were going away, they got worse. My diet is fine, I verbs thoroughly after every bowel movement, not...

Any treatment that truly WORKS for hemorrhoids?
I am 38 weeks pregnant with my second, and I have have a problem with hemorrhoids since I was pregnant near my first and as soon as I thought they were going away, they got worse. My diet is fine, I verbs thoroughly after every bowel movement, not having...

Anybody know if venacura will work on hemorrhoids?
after all they are just vericose vein. No idea about venacura, try Rue Care Oil - this grease truly makes miracle. Source(s): http://www.natural-health-cure.com Get Gold Bond Body Lotion in the green container. Don't mess with the stuff they go for roids, none of them work....

Anyone be to doc for hemorrhoids?
I have appt today & I'm a nervous wreck. I've have problems off & on for years, nothing foremost, but since Sunday I've been miserable. I'm scared & don't know what to expect. Dont worry ! Haemorrhoids are common contained by people who have to strain to intervene stools.They are...

Anyone else beside hemorrhoid problems (sorry TMI)?
Just a few questions. Since I've had my son I've have a really itchy but and blood streaked waste. Anyone else going through this? What kind of experiences hold you had with hemorrhoids? Thanks so much contained by advance...OH YEA...what is the best meds to use for them too?...
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