Running to Lose Weight - Interval Training Or Long Distance Running: Which One Is More Effective?
Running is the best cardio exercise for sustained and permanent weight loss program. Still, many beginner runners are confused about which running training approach is the best for losing weight: interval training or long slow distance running?
Solving this dilemma may not be that simple since there are many factors that need to be looked at and analyzed.
Solving the training method limbo
Therefore, as a beginner runner, you need to get clear and real on this matter. Otherwise, you will remain in the same limbo state and drive yourself crazy by thinking and rethinking your workouts.
Here is a complete list of the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Interval running cons:
- This type of training is very intense and produces higher amounts of calorie burn. As a result, you burn off more calories in less time.
- Interval training boosts metabolism levels through the roof and thus, you will achieve higher calorie burn rate even when you are sedentary.
- It also can fight the boredom factor many fitness enthusiasts struggle with. And making your training more enjoyable is the fast track to success and fulfillment.
Interval running pros:
- Interval training is very demanding and hard on the body and thus can lead to unwanted injuries and burn out.
- Beginner runners are advised not to start their training program without first building up enough cardiovascular power. Interval running is not the best training approach in the early stages.
Long slow distance running advantages:
- The best option for beginners runners who want to lose weight and build a decent aerobic foundation. This type of training can be carried out within your current fitness level without pushing to the limits.
- LSD running is the perfect time to learn and revise good training principles such as proper running form and breathing rhythm.
LSD running disadvantages:
- LSD running session are long and can take up much space in your daily schedule. Hence you may not have the luxury to stick with it for a longer period of time.
- Running at the same pace can be boring and tedious.
A good lawyer always lays out his case before the jury. And now you are the judge and the jury, you have to choose.
However, unlike a real jury verdict, you can pick both: interval and LSD running. In fact, the best approach is to combine both method and thus, reap exponential benefits.
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Solving this dilemma may not be that simple since there are many factors that need to be looked at and analyzed.
Solving the training method limbo
Therefore, as a beginner runner, you need to get clear and real on this matter. Otherwise, you will remain in the same limbo state and drive yourself crazy by thinking and rethinking your workouts.
Here is a complete list of the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Interval running cons:
- This type of training is very intense and produces higher amounts of calorie burn. As a result, you burn off more calories in less time.
- Interval training boosts metabolism levels through the roof and thus, you will achieve higher calorie burn rate even when you are sedentary.
- It also can fight the boredom factor many fitness enthusiasts struggle with. And making your training more enjoyable is the fast track to success and fulfillment.
Interval running pros:
- Interval training is very demanding and hard on the body and thus can lead to unwanted injuries and burn out.
- Beginner runners are advised not to start their training program without first building up enough cardiovascular power. Interval running is not the best training approach in the early stages.
Long slow distance running advantages:
- The best option for beginners runners who want to lose weight and build a decent aerobic foundation. This type of training can be carried out within your current fitness level without pushing to the limits.
- LSD running is the perfect time to learn and revise good training principles such as proper running form and breathing rhythm.
LSD running disadvantages:
- LSD running session are long and can take up much space in your daily schedule. Hence you may not have the luxury to stick with it for a longer period of time.
- Running at the same pace can be boring and tedious.
A good lawyer always lays out his case before the jury. And now you are the judge and the jury, you have to choose.
However, unlike a real jury verdict, you can pick both: interval and LSD running. In fact, the best approach is to combine both method and thus, reap exponential benefits.
Want To Lose More Weight?...
Now I am about to share with you fat loss secrets that you will not find anywhere! For a limited time you can grab this special "Weight Loss By Running" FREE report at