The Benefits of Buying Organic Cotton
Not only is it more environmentally-friendly, but it's also better for the people who grow it, and the people who wear the clothes that are made from it.
Organic farming provides better income for farmers and is more sustainable long term.
Farmers are usually paid a significant premium above those farmers of conventional cotton a commitment to fair trade labor, which usually goes hand-in-hand with organics.
Secondary crops can also be grown in between the cotton, providing a natural barrier (an alternative to pesticides) against harmful insects.
This method is called inter-cropping.
These secondary crops can also provide an additional cash crop for the farmer.
Because this way of farming produces biodiversity, there are actually a higher variety of beneficial insects in organic cotton fields.
Unlike the notoriously water-dependent cotton of conventional methods, that sucks up enough water to cause large lakes to go dry, organic cotton is mainly rain-fed.
This significantly helps keep water contamination low and the surrounding bodies of water untouched.
Choosing to buy organic cotton gives our earth the chance to replenish itself and recover from the harm that modern-day farming has caused.
With these new, environmentally-friendly alternatives we can re-establish a natural farming system that benefits the land instead of wreaking havoc on it.
Consider that the next time you shop.
We literally reap what we sow, and there will come a point when we'll never be able to recover or undo the damage we have done.