How to Do a Tulle Wedding Arch
- 1). Buy a large amount of tulle fabric. The amount you need depends on the type and size of your wedding arch. You want to give the arch the appearance of luxury and elegance. If the arch is only a metal or plastic framework, you need enough to wrap around the arch and completely obscure the framework. Get about a yard of tulle for every foot of arch you want to cover. Buy extra if you are also making bows. On the other hand, if you have a wooden lattice or other type of arch that looks beautiful on its own, you only need tulle enough for a bow or two.
- 2). Begin at the bottom of one side of the arch if you want to cover the entire framework. Secure the end of your tulle to the bottom with white floral wire. Tuck the wire and end of tulle inside the wrapping to hide it. Loosely wrap the tulle in a spiral fashion around the arch, hiding the frame but keeping the look fluffy. Secure the tulle with white floral wire every couple of feet to keep the tulle from slipping. Continue wrapping until you have covered the whole arch.
- 3). Create swags across the top of the arch by draping it loosely from corner to middle to the opposite corner. Secure it with white floral wire. Hide the wire with tulle pieces.
- 4). Make five or six loops a foot or so long with the tulle. Secure the ends of the loops together with white floral wire. Fluff out the loops to make a huge bow. Fasten two long tulle streamers to the back with floral wire. Fasten the entire bow to the arch with floral wire, too. Attach the bow to the top of the arch or make two bows and put one on each side.