All about spondylitis and its types
Types of spondylitis
Basically, there are three major types of this health problem, namely cervical, deformans and lumbar spondylitis.
• Cervical- This is basically related to neck pain that disturbs the cervical spine. The pain can easily spread to either sides of the shoulder, collar bone, rear of neck and shoulder joints. Due to the pain, the movement of neck is restricted. Just because of the pain in muscles, even the arms lack normal motion.
• Lumbar- This is related to severe pain in lumbar region
• Deformans- Popular by the name Ankylosing, this disorder affects shoulders, sacroiliac joints, hip joints and vertebral column. Individuals suffering from this illness may experience stiffness in neck, jaw, knees, shoulders and heels. You may experience problems in the movement of spine.
Usually, the treatment of this disorder depends on the type of spondylitis you are suffering from. Exercises, physiotherapy and medication are some of the prescribed treatments for this disorder. Medicines can include non-steroidal drugs like Indocin, Naprosyn and Tolectin. Drugs like Methotrexate and Sulfasalazine can be some other options. As far as diet is concerned, intake of omega-3 and fatty acids that are found in particular fishes like salmon and tuna, help cure this illness. Also, walnuts and flax seeds might help reduce the effects of this disease. Exercises like stretching are a smart way to release pain in joints and muscles. Strengthening and range-of-motion exercises are two ways to reduce the pain. Yoga has been one of the effective ways to cure any illness, diseases or even any major health issues. Spondylitis is not an exception! Positive effects of yoga on mind and body helps release all tensions and cure the illness. Asanas and yoga postures help improve your mental and physical life. Through yoga, this illness can be treated by practicing one or more poses of the available ones. Suffering from spondylitis? No need to worry at all! Find out what type of illness you are suffering from and avail suitable treatment. Thanks to advanced medications, patients are able to take care of personal illnesses in a better way.