How to Decrease Sound Masking in the Ocean
- 1). Create a noise reduction, or sound masking reduction petition and ask people in your community to sign the petition. When your petition has reached the adequate number of signatures, you can turn it in to the government to get your motion approved.
- 2). Hold silent protests against the sound masking used in the ocean. Make signs to show what you are standing up for and what you want to happen. You can make signs with poster board and write out statements like "Stop Excessive Ocean Sound Masking" and "Save Marine Life. Reduce Sound Masking."
- 3). Reduce the amount of white and pink noise that you create while on the water. For example, instead of using a motor boat, purchase a sail boat and use the sails whenever possible to navigate the boat. Use passive sonar if at all possible instead of active sonar.
- 4). Ask your friends and family members who have boats and create sound masking in the ocean to reduce and stop the noise as much as possible. Ask them to become advocates of your mission and pass the word along to their families and friends who sail the ocean on a regular basis to ask them to cut down on their sound masking.