Troubleshooting Windows XP Norton Anti Virus
- 1). Update your version of Windows XP to the latest version by clicking on "Start," "All Programs" and "Windows Update." Download all security updates and available service packs. Continue to the next step if Norton AntiVirus does not work correctly.
- 2). Start your Norton AntiVirus software. Click on the "Computer" pane, then click "Run LiveUpdate." Click "OK."
- 3). Repeat until Norton AntiVirus shows "Norton LiveUpdate finished - No updates found." Continue to the next step if Norton AntiVirus does not work correctly.
- 4). Record your Product Key, which may be found on your installation disc, a confirmation email from Symantec or by logging into the Symantec website and clicking on "Norton AntiVirus" in the "Products" section.
- 5). Download and run the Norton Removal tool. Follow the onscreen prompts to uninstall Norton AntiVirus. Restart the computer when prompted. (You may have to restart your computer multiple times.)
- 6). Reinstall the Norton AntiVirus program by inserting your installation disc or by double-clicking the installation program you downloaded previously. Close all programs prior to beginning the installation process and follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation.