How to Write an In-Service on Proper Hand Washing
- 1). Review the reasons why proper hand washing is essential and when it should be performed: after using the bathroom, before eating, between patient encounters and any time hands are visibly soiled.
- 2). Review the proper steps for hand washing using running water: Using warm water, wet your hands and apply soap. Rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds, making sure to cover all surfaces: front, back, between the fingers and under the fingernails. Rinse thoroughly and dry your hands with a paper towel. Use the paper towel to turn off the faucet to avoid recontamination.
- 3). Discuss the indications for use of an alcohol-based hand antiseptic: when running water is not available, or hands are not visibly soiled. Mention the location of all hand washing stations in your facility.
- 4). Provide time at the end of the presentation for the listeners to ask questions. Administer a short quiz after the inservice to assess the level of understanding of the listener.