Foods That Trigger Acne
Ask any young or old person, most people have at some point in their life suffered from acne.
Acne has troubled and embarrassed people.
After all, who would like to be seen around with their face marred by acne? People suffering from acne have often visited all possible doctors, quacks and tried various treatments to relieve themselves.
Research has shown that you don't just need to focus on the treatments for acne, but also need to take care about the food you consume as there are some food items that cause acne too.
Surprised to hear that? But it's true.
Certain food items can trigger off a reaction in your body that can cause an acne breakout.
Along with your prescribed medicines, take adequate care in identifying the foods that may trigger acne and ensure that you avoid those foods.
Let's have a look at the items that have been identified as acne triggers.
Vegetables like lentils and corn should be avoided.
Fruits like cranberries, blueberries, prunes, currants and plums are also known to trigger off acne in some people.
Dairy products such as iced milk, butter, processed cheese and ice-creams can cause acne breakout too.
Greasy or oily food items including fries, chips, fried chicken, fast-foods, chocolates etc are a big no for people suffering from acne.
Understand one thing first; foods do not cause acne, but there are certain food items that can exacerbate the body condition that causes acne.
It is a known fact that acne is caused due to irregularities in the blood sugar, inflammation and improper pH balance in the body.
Any food item that works towards causing irregularities in the body would obviously flare up acne.
Try to maintain the pH balance in the body by avoiding consumption of highly acidic foods like some animal proteins, dry fruits, greasy foods, alcohol, sweetened foods etc.
In addition to negating the acidic content of the body, consume foods that are alkaline like oranges, peaches, citrus fruits, garlic, carrots, almonds, tomatoes, strawberries, cucumber and almonds.
Citrus foods such as lemon, pineapple, oranges etc have citric acid that is excellent for maintaining the right pH level in the body thereby reducing the acidic pH of the blood and can help prevent acne breakout.
Not just food, but even your lifestyle can cause flaring up of acne.
Alcohol and tobacco consumption can be extremely harmful for someone suffering from acne.
Keep a check on condiments like vinegar, sauces, pepper, mustard etc as they too are acidic.
Exposure to pesticides and herbicides should also be restricted to protect your skin.
Acne, though not life threatening, is a very annoying and disturbing skin condition.
Study your diet and surroundings carefully.
It is not necessary that a particular diet that works for others would work for you too.
Similarly, a food item that acts as a trigger for others may trigger no reaction in you.
Take time out for studying your body constitution and your body's reactions after consumption of every food item.
Within no time you would have narrowed down what suits you and what doesn't.
Adequate care of diet along with your prescribed medication can guarantee you success in getting rid of acne and getting back your lost beauty.
Acne has troubled and embarrassed people.
After all, who would like to be seen around with their face marred by acne? People suffering from acne have often visited all possible doctors, quacks and tried various treatments to relieve themselves.
Research has shown that you don't just need to focus on the treatments for acne, but also need to take care about the food you consume as there are some food items that cause acne too.
Surprised to hear that? But it's true.
Certain food items can trigger off a reaction in your body that can cause an acne breakout.
Along with your prescribed medicines, take adequate care in identifying the foods that may trigger acne and ensure that you avoid those foods.
Let's have a look at the items that have been identified as acne triggers.
Vegetables like lentils and corn should be avoided.
Fruits like cranberries, blueberries, prunes, currants and plums are also known to trigger off acne in some people.
Dairy products such as iced milk, butter, processed cheese and ice-creams can cause acne breakout too.
Greasy or oily food items including fries, chips, fried chicken, fast-foods, chocolates etc are a big no for people suffering from acne.
Understand one thing first; foods do not cause acne, but there are certain food items that can exacerbate the body condition that causes acne.
It is a known fact that acne is caused due to irregularities in the blood sugar, inflammation and improper pH balance in the body.
Any food item that works towards causing irregularities in the body would obviously flare up acne.
Try to maintain the pH balance in the body by avoiding consumption of highly acidic foods like some animal proteins, dry fruits, greasy foods, alcohol, sweetened foods etc.
In addition to negating the acidic content of the body, consume foods that are alkaline like oranges, peaches, citrus fruits, garlic, carrots, almonds, tomatoes, strawberries, cucumber and almonds.
Citrus foods such as lemon, pineapple, oranges etc have citric acid that is excellent for maintaining the right pH level in the body thereby reducing the acidic pH of the blood and can help prevent acne breakout.
Not just food, but even your lifestyle can cause flaring up of acne.
Alcohol and tobacco consumption can be extremely harmful for someone suffering from acne.
Keep a check on condiments like vinegar, sauces, pepper, mustard etc as they too are acidic.
Exposure to pesticides and herbicides should also be restricted to protect your skin.
Acne, though not life threatening, is a very annoying and disturbing skin condition.
Study your diet and surroundings carefully.
It is not necessary that a particular diet that works for others would work for you too.
Similarly, a food item that acts as a trigger for others may trigger no reaction in you.
Take time out for studying your body constitution and your body's reactions after consumption of every food item.
Within no time you would have narrowed down what suits you and what doesn't.
Adequate care of diet along with your prescribed medication can guarantee you success in getting rid of acne and getting back your lost beauty.