Fancy Wedding
The entire wedding settings and theme can be based on the backdrop of white snow.
Snow manages to add a magical touch to all the decorations and colors.
The entire mood can be transported to a fairy land complete with magic.
You would have to have matching flower girl dresses and choosing an apt one is not easy.
Little flower girls would have to brave the weather and do their duties wearing their lovely flower dresses that have been made for them.
But would it be safe and healthy to have them out in the cold for so long without any warm jacket to safeguard their health? Hence you would have to choose with care beautiful flower girl dresses that are not only good to look at and in design but are able to keep them warm in the cold weather.
On such an important ceremony you would not want to be dressed in your best and find that the flower girls start crying and whining in the middle of your wedding ceremony.
You can either choose a satin dress or a velvet dress for the flower girls.
Both these materials are known to provide warmth and keep the body temperature by trapping the heat within.
While velvet can be a little heavy but very warm, it does have a shine and a touch that makes it soft and ideal for use as gown.
Satin on the other hand is smoother, silkier and dazzles with elegance and drapes very well on the body when stitched.
The length of the dress will depend upon the height of the girls and their age too.
For little girls knee length dresses with matching leggings will look very nice.
The leggings will not only make them look beautiful but also helps them keep warm too.
Once you are done with the dress, work on accessorizing the dress using laces, decorations, flowers, faux fir trimmings in line with the overall theme so that they look magical and look good even in photographs.