4 Tips To Have A Fun And Enjoyable Date
1) Before a date we have certain high expectations of how we want a date to be and we become disappointed when we finally meet this person and they are not what we imagined them to be. You need to be more realistic and try not to imagine that this person will be perfect. It is easy to lose touch with reality sometimes when watching a romantic movie or reading a novel about unrequited love. By having high expectations you are setting yourself up to be disappointed.
2) It is better to be active than reactive when it comes to dating. As the saying goes life is too short. Stop waiting beside the phone hoping your date will ring you. Taking responsibility by making the first move puts you in the driving seat. Be a player and pick up the phone, the worse thing they can say is no.
3) Dating can be a nervous proposition especially if it is the first date. Therefore, when choosing a dating venue select one that will minimise the chances of having those awkward moments. The best way to do this is to choose an activity that is fun and that you enjoy doing. Even if your date does not enjoy it at least you had a good time.
4) If you are not the type who likes going to formal occasions or where you have to dress up formally then choose a place for your date that does not require you to dress up. In this way you can wear the clothes that you feel comfortable in rather that adding extra tension to an already tense situation. However, even though your wearing your favorite clothes do not turn up like a slob with stains down the front of your t-shirt.