Freeannualcreditreport- Helps you to improve credit score
According to 'Fair Credit Reporting Act', it is mandatory for every US citizen to hold a yearly credit rating report against his name. You can access free annual credit report [] in an easy manner. This reports is available online. You can apply online with the agencies that provide these reports. Three reputed and highly preferred agencies are 'Experian', 'Equifax', and 'TransUnion'. In a gap of 12 months you can apply for the credit report with these agencies.
This report helps you to improve your credit score. With the help of this report you can get to know the areas where you need to improve. This report contains the information about your capacity to repay the loan. Many financial institutions use this report to evaluate your credit worthiness and ability to pay back the loan. So your financial repute can be easily judged through these reports.
This report contains the information about your past behaviour. It means this report will keep track of whether you have made the repayments of past loan on time or not. If you have missed some payments in the past it will badly affect your record.
You can get these reports in very short span of time. If you are a citizen of US then you are eligible to get it free for once in a year. You can avail these reports without any hassle by applying online. This will save your time.