Type 2 Diabetes - Blood Sugar Levels and Mental Health Issues
Depression and anxiety are known to be associated with Type 2 diabetes, but up until now there has been no research on other psychiatric symptoms and diabetes.
It has been said depression is twice as common in people with Type 2 diabetes, and the depression often is much more severe and lasts longer than in non-diabetics.
Investigators at National Cheng Kung Hospital in Taiwan have now looked at other psychiatric symptoms and blood sugar levels.
Their study, published in May 2012 in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, included 9561 participants without a known history of diabetes or psychiatric conditions.
Newly discovered cases of Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes were associated with:
Somatization is defined by the National Institute of Health in the United States as "a long-term (chronic) condition in which a person has physical symptoms that involve more than one part of the body, but no physical cause can be found".
It is distinct from malingering in that people with somatization do not fake symptoms.
They are thought to experience pain and other symptoms differently from other people.
The condition is made worse by stress and anxiety.
Somatization signs and symptoms can include head, chest, abdominal, back, joint, or limb pain, amnesia, diarrhea, weakness, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, bloating, dizziness, weakness, or sexual dysfunction.
Hostility and aggression are associated with increased levels of tumor necrosis factor, which marks inflammation of blood vessels and other tissue, signaling immune cells to go to the site of inflammation.
It has also been associated with heart disease.
Phobias are irrational or excessive fears of certain objects or situations.
They may be accompanied by panic, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, and an uncontrollable urge to flee.
Although patients recognize the fact their fear is irrational, they will often take extreme measures to avoid the objects of their fears.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a kind of anxiety disorder in which unwanted thoughts or fears compel people to do certain acts that bring only temporary relief.
Not performing certain rituals can bring on excessive anxiety.
Depression, or feeling sad, is normal for a short time.
It becomes a disorder when it lasts for weeks or more and interferes with daily life.
It can be caused by anxiety, drugs, alcohol, underactive thyroid and other diseases or pain, sleep disorders, or traumatic events.
Psychoticism is defined as a personality train characterized by hostility and aggressiveness.
Since both blood sugar levels and personality traits were studied at the same time, it is not possible to infer which is the cause and which the effect.
From the practical standpoint, keeping blood sugar levels normal as well as treating emotional problems as they arise is clearly the way to go.
It has been said depression is twice as common in people with Type 2 diabetes, and the depression often is much more severe and lasts longer than in non-diabetics.
Investigators at National Cheng Kung Hospital in Taiwan have now looked at other psychiatric symptoms and blood sugar levels.
Their study, published in May 2012 in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, included 9561 participants without a known history of diabetes or psychiatric conditions.
Newly discovered cases of Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes were associated with:
- somatization,
- hostility,
- phobias,
- obsession,
- depression,
- anxiety, and
- psychoticism.
Somatization is defined by the National Institute of Health in the United States as "a long-term (chronic) condition in which a person has physical symptoms that involve more than one part of the body, but no physical cause can be found".
It is distinct from malingering in that people with somatization do not fake symptoms.
They are thought to experience pain and other symptoms differently from other people.
The condition is made worse by stress and anxiety.
Somatization signs and symptoms can include head, chest, abdominal, back, joint, or limb pain, amnesia, diarrhea, weakness, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, bloating, dizziness, weakness, or sexual dysfunction.
Hostility and aggression are associated with increased levels of tumor necrosis factor, which marks inflammation of blood vessels and other tissue, signaling immune cells to go to the site of inflammation.
It has also been associated with heart disease.
Phobias are irrational or excessive fears of certain objects or situations.
They may be accompanied by panic, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, and an uncontrollable urge to flee.
Although patients recognize the fact their fear is irrational, they will often take extreme measures to avoid the objects of their fears.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a kind of anxiety disorder in which unwanted thoughts or fears compel people to do certain acts that bring only temporary relief.
Not performing certain rituals can bring on excessive anxiety.
Depression, or feeling sad, is normal for a short time.
It becomes a disorder when it lasts for weeks or more and interferes with daily life.
It can be caused by anxiety, drugs, alcohol, underactive thyroid and other diseases or pain, sleep disorders, or traumatic events.
Psychoticism is defined as a personality train characterized by hostility and aggressiveness.
Since both blood sugar levels and personality traits were studied at the same time, it is not possible to infer which is the cause and which the effect.
From the practical standpoint, keeping blood sugar levels normal as well as treating emotional problems as they arise is clearly the way to go.