How to Make Money With Duel Rings

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    • 1). Log into your RuneScape paid membership account. Go to the nearest bank and check to see if you have these items in your inventory: cut emeralds, gold bars, ring mold, cosmic runes, air runes or air staff. If you have all of these, skip to Step 6. If not, you will have to follow the next steps to acquire them.

    • 2). Get a ring mold. These can be purchased inexpensively at craft shops, general stores, the Grand Exchange, or from other players. Store it in your bank account.

    • 3). Obtain cosmic and air runes. You will need one cosmic and three airs for each ring that you wish to create. If you do not have a high enough Runecrafting level to make them, purchase them from the Grand Exchange, magic shops, other players or general stores. Store them in your bank account. You can use any of the air staves instead of the air runes. These can be purchased from the same places that air runes are sold. Store them in your bank account as well.

    • 4). Acquire emeralds. Cut emeralds are cheaper than uncuts because you trade off the XP, or Experience Points, that you would have received from cutting them in exchange for the monetary value. Uncut as well as cut emeralds can be purchased from gem traders, the Grand Exchange, other players and general stores. If you have completed the Shilo Village Quest (you must have completed the Jungle Potion Quest and have Level 32 Agility and Level 20 Crafting to qualify for Shilo), then you can mine your own gems. If your emeralds are uncut, use a chisel to cut them. You can get chisels inexpensively at general stores, the Grand Exchange or from other players. Store the cut emeralds and the chisel in your bank account.

    • 5). Get gold bars. You can mine your own gold ore with a pick axe and a mining level of 40. The easiest place to mine gold ore is at the Crafting Guild located southwest of Falador, which requires a Crafting level of 40 to enter. You must also wear a brown apron to gain admittance to the Guild. Brown aprons are inexpensive and available from crafting shops, the Grand Exchange, other players and general stores. Take the gold ores to a furnace and use them on the furnace to make gold bars. Otherwise, buy gold bars from the Grand Exchange, other players or the general stores. Store the gold bars in your bank account.

    • 6). Go to Karamja bank, which is the RuneScape bank closest to a furnace. Withdraw from your banking account the ring mold, a gold bar, and a cut emerald for each ring that you wish to make. Use a gold bar on the furnace. You will be presented with a menu containing the objects that you are eligible to make with the skill levels you have and the materials you are carrying in your backpack. Select the emerald ring from the menu. You'll be given the option to make 1, 5, 10 or all of the emerald rings. Once the furnace begins to work, the gold bars and emeralds will disappear from your backpack and be replaced with emerald rings.

    • 7). Return to the bank to empty your backpack as necessary, because molds, gold bars, gems and finished rings are not stackable. Repeat Step 6 until you have made all the emerald rings that you want to create dueling rings from.

    • 8). Withdraw a cosmic rune and three air runes, all of which are stackable, for each dueling ring that you wish to make. You can substitute any of the air staves for the air runes by simply wielding one, which will not only save you money on runes but save a space in your backpack as well. Fill the rest of your backpack with emerald rings.

    • 9). Open your backpack options. Click the "Enchant Emerald Jewelry" icon, and you'll be prompted with the option to choose how many items to enchant. Pick a number, and the runes and emerald rings will begin to disappear as your backpack fills with enchanted rings of dueling. Store excess materials in your bank account. Store the duel rings in the banking account also.

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      Ask your banking account to convert the duel rings to "notes," which are stackable facsimiles of the rings themselves. Sell them to other players which will bring the best prices or at the Grand Exchange or general stores.

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