Bookmarking Your Site For Success
For some reason the idea of putting your details online and meeting up with old buddies and making new friends just took off. It was a way that young people especially could easily cotton on to and before long other sites like My Space, My Face and U tube came on line.
The Internet Marketing Savior
Before long the bookmarking sites became a new way to advertise for Internet marketing and the creation of back links they provide boost a site's ranking in the search engines. Similar to the forums that have sprung up in association with many marketing outlets the tags that lead to a sites keywords and title are doing wonders for the web masters and changing the advertising format completely.
The old way of getting certain traffic was to pay the Search Engines for advertising space called Pay Per Click. This became so popular that many whose sites are used by Companies like Google are making a fortune from the clicks that people driven to their own web sites are enticed to make.
The popularity of this increased the price of advertising keywords so much that it is now out of reach of many who do not have the cash flow to sustain it. As bookmarking sites are free and the keywords are picked up by Search Engines they have become the savior to many.
The Video Phenomena
The most remarkable thing yet is the video bookmarking sites that have now come on-line. Chief among these would be Utube, which is now owned by Google. The art of making a video is greatly enhanced by great software which, although pricey, is extremely worthwhile. A well structured video is entertaining as well as packed with keywords to prick up the notice of spiders used by Search Engines to gather information.
While many use this media for pleasure and will post extremly funny or information videos for general viewing there is also the marketing trend which can highlight the advantages of buying a product or of visiting a certain site. This is also a free service which is changing the face of Internet marketing.
Attracting Friends and Followers
Success in this area will depend on how many friends and followers you can attract to your page. Article marketing is a great stimulus for this as many who read your messages will opt in to follow you. Forums are another source as people who get to know you through your threads and your replies to their threads will also follow you if you give them a link to do it.
The list building exercises used to get people to web sites is another way of attracting followers if the link is available. Blogs and lenses are another source of followers and making friends through other social sites will also be beneficial.