Health Hazards of Kids Being Overweight
- Type 2 diabetes can develop due to a poor diet. A healthy person's body can break down sugars and starches from food and convert them into fuel. But when you have Type 2 diabetes, your body can't regulate insulin and insulin resistance develops, which can lead to long-term complications like nerve disease, foot problems and kidney disease.
- Overweight children can develop unusual lipid levels. As a result, high cholesterol can develop. This can cause plaque development, resulting in hardening and narrowing of arteries. This puts your child at an increased risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke as an adult.
- High blood pressure causes the heart to pump harder. The arteries become excessively exerted. Over time, this excess pressure will damage organs and blood vessels and can cause aneurysms, heart failure, heart attacks and other heart complications.
- Overweight children may experience sleep apnea. The extra weight carried by your child can make breathing during sleep difficult. Sleep apnea causes snoring and gasping for air. Sleep apnea can result in exhaustion during the day or trouble concentrating.
- Overweight children may suffer from depression due to their peer's insults. Hormonal imbalances cause puberty earlier in overweight children. Extra weight may impair the development of your child's lungs, resulting in asthma.