How to Learn About Otters
- 1). Exhaust the Internet for information. The Internet has a plethora of information about otters with which you can improve your base level of knowledge. The website has a great page on sea otters with easy to follow introductory information. also has great introductory information about the environmental dangers associated with otters. Research websites such as National Geographic and Animal Planet, which have a large database for otter information.
- 2). Go to your local library and check out books and other material on otters. The Internet alone cannot provide all your information. Library books will provide greater depth and complexity with which to build on the knowledge from your Internet searches. Look to scientific journals for specific, in-depth information or general audience books for basic facts. If you are novice learner, books geared toward young adults are a perfect option, usually written in the most simple, straightforward language possible.
- 3). Take courses in Marine Biology or other otter-related classes. Look into classes on habitats that support otters or classes with a focus on types of otters. Consider going into Marine Biology if you develop a passion for learning about otters. Research and protection of otters is constantly needed as sea otters are currently listed as an endangered species according to With the time and effort invested, you could one day be paid to learn about otters.
- 4). Visit a real life otter habitat, but not a zoo. Research what type of otter it may be, whether a river or sea otter and plan a trip to observe them in their natural habitat. Seeing the otter in person will bring a lot of your learning to real life. Compare what you have learned about the otter from books and other sources to how the otters appear in real life.