Term insurance plan is the simplest form of insurance policy ever. As per the plan the sum assured is paid to the nominee of the policy in case the insured person dies during the term of the policy. Some insurance plans return the premium to the policy holder in case the insured individual survives the term of the policy. These policies are called as Term with Premium Back policies, and usually cost a little more than a typical term life insurance plan.
The main aim of a term insurance policy is that it covers up for the financial crisis faced by the family in the event of the death of the bread earner of the family. Hence this policy makes more sense for a young father who needs to support his families present and future as compared to a man nearing retirement with most of his responsibilities fulfilled. It is important that investors keep certain points in mind when investing in a term life insurance plan.
The sum insured €"
The golden rule is that an individual of less than 40 years of age should get a cover of 15 times the annual income, 10 times the annual income if one is between 40 and 45, and 5 times the annual income if one is 45 or more. Also you need to consider the other liabilities you have apart from managing your family. In case you have a significant housing loan, try and get the loan covered with a credit life insurance plan. Under this insurance, the company pays the outstanding amount to clear the loan in case the insured dies.
Another way in which you can assess the cover amount required is by listing your responsibilities like outstanding loans, amount required for children's education and wedding, average amount required for daily expense etc. and multiply that by 10. Keep in mind that over the years the earning capacity of the person will increase and so will the rate of inflation. What may seem like a huge amount today may be insignificant 20 years down the line.
The right time to buy the policy €"
With term life insurance plans, the sooner you buy the better it is as the insurance premium gets expensive as one gets older. Also a major risk is that with growing age you may develop some health issues which may make getting a term insurance policy complicated. The insurer may just refuse to cover the risk of the health condition or increase the premium to provide the required cover.
Period of the insurance cover €"
The younger the individual the longer needs to be the duration of the term insurance policy. You need to match it with your retirement age or the time around which your financial liabilities would be considerably reduced.
Buying additional riders €"
Riders provide additional benefits to your term life insurance plan. Typically a term insurance plan pays either in the event of the death of the insured or at the completion of the insurance period. However, in cases when a person is rendered completely incapable of earning a rider proves of much help. Riders like Critical Illness riders or Permanent Total Disability riders provide the much require financial assistance here. They ensure the insured amount is paid to the individual in such situations.
Insurance is a serious matter and an individual should always make sure that the policy proves a boon in his/ her absence rather than making it difficult for the nominees to get the benefit of it.
The main aim of a term insurance policy is that it covers up for the financial crisis faced by the family in the event of the death of the bread earner of the family. Hence this policy makes more sense for a young father who needs to support his families present and future as compared to a man nearing retirement with most of his responsibilities fulfilled. It is important that investors keep certain points in mind when investing in a term life insurance plan.
The sum insured €"
The golden rule is that an individual of less than 40 years of age should get a cover of 15 times the annual income, 10 times the annual income if one is between 40 and 45, and 5 times the annual income if one is 45 or more. Also you need to consider the other liabilities you have apart from managing your family. In case you have a significant housing loan, try and get the loan covered with a credit life insurance plan. Under this insurance, the company pays the outstanding amount to clear the loan in case the insured dies.
Another way in which you can assess the cover amount required is by listing your responsibilities like outstanding loans, amount required for children's education and wedding, average amount required for daily expense etc. and multiply that by 10. Keep in mind that over the years the earning capacity of the person will increase and so will the rate of inflation. What may seem like a huge amount today may be insignificant 20 years down the line.
The right time to buy the policy €"
With term life insurance plans, the sooner you buy the better it is as the insurance premium gets expensive as one gets older. Also a major risk is that with growing age you may develop some health issues which may make getting a term insurance policy complicated. The insurer may just refuse to cover the risk of the health condition or increase the premium to provide the required cover.
Period of the insurance cover €"
The younger the individual the longer needs to be the duration of the term insurance policy. You need to match it with your retirement age or the time around which your financial liabilities would be considerably reduced.
Buying additional riders €"
Riders provide additional benefits to your term life insurance plan. Typically a term insurance plan pays either in the event of the death of the insured or at the completion of the insurance period. However, in cases when a person is rendered completely incapable of earning a rider proves of much help. Riders like Critical Illness riders or Permanent Total Disability riders provide the much require financial assistance here. They ensure the insured amount is paid to the individual in such situations.
Insurance is a serious matter and an individual should always make sure that the policy proves a boon in his/ her absence rather than making it difficult for the nominees to get the benefit of it.