Thrift Store Housewares
Silverware is a great place to start if you're new to shopping for used housewares. I have always bought my eating and cooking utensils used for a variety of reasons. For one thing, I really like how each of my spoons, forks and knives have a unique design. It is a beautiful menagerie of intricate designs that adds a lovely aesthetic to eating an average meal.
Another reason that buying used silverware is so great is that metal is simple to clean. I always wash the used items I buy thoroughly before wearing, cooking with or otherwise using them. With silverware, this is as simple as giving them a hot, soapy wash.
I have always let my own sense of style guide what I buy, but it turns out I must have an eye for valuable items! A friend of mine noticed a particular piece of silverware and determined it was an antique! He said I could sell it if I wanted a few extra bucks, but I decided to keep it. What a story to tell at dinner!
As I mentioned, plate sets are my weakness when it comes to kitchenware shopping. I have a four piece ceramic set that looks stunning when set with my unique silverware. I bought this set when I first moved to my current home. It was a housewarming gift for myself to help me settle into my new abode. It is still my favorite plate set to serve guests on.
I love shopping for gifts at thrift stores. My brother's wife is a fellow thrift shopper and, for her last birthday, I gave her a gorgeous plate set I found. When I first saw it, I immediately thought of her because it has just the color scheme she loves.
Wine glasses are another great thrift store deal. I found mine for a dollar a piece which is a great price for the quality and elegance of design. I receive compliments on them regularly. Guests, when they press, are always surprised to hear that I found them used. Most people are in the dark about how well stocked secondhand shops can be.
Whatever it is you need for your home, check out the thrift store near your house before buying new. You will be surprised and impressed at the variety and quality of the items for sale.
I'm a thrift enthusiast with a passion for writing about online thrift stores. Visit to learn more.