Dealing With Colds During Winter Season
Come winter, there is cold in the air.
Everyone dreads this common cold attacks and having to suffer headaches and running nose for days together.
Follow the common remedies those that are available and you can brace yourself against the attack.
If you have a cold, best is to avoid meeting and hugging others.
This way you can stop the cold from spreading further to your loved ones.
Read these guidelines carefully and follow them for your safety as well as for the others too.
If you thought that blowing your nose when you have cold helps you get rid of bacteria, you could be wrong.
Yes blowing your nose and clearing the nasal passage does make you feel good.
But this is purely temporary.
Within the next few minutes' new mucus would have begun to get formed and bacteria find new ground for breeding.
So the next time you have a cold, it may be a good idea not to keep blowing your nose all the time.
This way you will not be releasing bacteria and virus in the air too.
When you have cold, make sure you drink hot beverages which is soothing for your throat and follow it up with plenty of water or juice.
Your body needs the extra fluids to flush out the toxins.
Besides with toxins out of the body, your immunity system gets stronger and fights the cold.
A good healthy breakfast is very essential to fight your cold.
Wonder why and how? A compound called interferon gamma which is available in the body is the compound that is responsible for fighting the virus that is attacking you.
When you have a healthy breakfast it has been noticed that the level of this compound in the body increases by more than 4 times and helps you fight the virus.
Home made chicken soup and broth is the best medicine for your cold.
This has been practiced for generations and works wonders.
Chicken soup gives you twin benefits.
First of all it is soothing on your throat and opens up your nasal passage making it easier for you to breath.
Secondly the chicken provides the necessary nutrition to improve your immunity and helps your body fight the virus.
Sunlight and fresh air are very important especially when you have a cold.
However sick and cold you might feel, you should ensure you open the windows in your room, switch off the AC and let fresh air circulate.
Only then can you get rid of the stale air filled with virus.
Spend a lot of time sitting outside in the sunlight.
Your body gets sufficient Vitamin D from sunlight that helps it to fight the virus attacking you.
Everyone dreads this common cold attacks and having to suffer headaches and running nose for days together.
Follow the common remedies those that are available and you can brace yourself against the attack.
If you have a cold, best is to avoid meeting and hugging others.
This way you can stop the cold from spreading further to your loved ones.
Read these guidelines carefully and follow them for your safety as well as for the others too.
If you thought that blowing your nose when you have cold helps you get rid of bacteria, you could be wrong.
Yes blowing your nose and clearing the nasal passage does make you feel good.
But this is purely temporary.
Within the next few minutes' new mucus would have begun to get formed and bacteria find new ground for breeding.
So the next time you have a cold, it may be a good idea not to keep blowing your nose all the time.
This way you will not be releasing bacteria and virus in the air too.
When you have cold, make sure you drink hot beverages which is soothing for your throat and follow it up with plenty of water or juice.
Your body needs the extra fluids to flush out the toxins.
Besides with toxins out of the body, your immunity system gets stronger and fights the cold.
A good healthy breakfast is very essential to fight your cold.
Wonder why and how? A compound called interferon gamma which is available in the body is the compound that is responsible for fighting the virus that is attacking you.
When you have a healthy breakfast it has been noticed that the level of this compound in the body increases by more than 4 times and helps you fight the virus.
Home made chicken soup and broth is the best medicine for your cold.
This has been practiced for generations and works wonders.
Chicken soup gives you twin benefits.
First of all it is soothing on your throat and opens up your nasal passage making it easier for you to breath.
Secondly the chicken provides the necessary nutrition to improve your immunity and helps your body fight the virus.
Sunlight and fresh air are very important especially when you have a cold.
However sick and cold you might feel, you should ensure you open the windows in your room, switch off the AC and let fresh air circulate.
Only then can you get rid of the stale air filled with virus.
Spend a lot of time sitting outside in the sunlight.
Your body gets sufficient Vitamin D from sunlight that helps it to fight the virus attacking you.