Stress And Hair Loss- The Chicken And The Egg Syndrome
Stress due to a serious illness can certainly impact hair growth and many researchers will concede that stress and hair loss can be related.
Additionally, some persons, when they become aware that their hair is falling out, become even more anxious and increase their stress level further.
This added stress to the stress they are already experiencing due to the illness can result in another round of excessive hair loss which makes the situation worse.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Likewise, is hair loss a result of stress or is the stress the result of anxiety over hair loss? In extreme cases this scenario may form a circle and a self-perpetuating cycle.
What is the remedy? Whether hair loss is a result of stress or whether stress is due to hair loss is irrelevant when considering the remedy.
In either case, the answer is to either minimize or cut out the stress! This obviously is easier said than done.
However, by reducing stress a positive effect is likely to be seen with hair growth thus reducing the stress level further as the individual observes a stopping of hair loss and increase in density of head hair.
In some cases the connection between stress and hair loss can be greatly lessened by reassurance from loved ones and medical staff that the hair loss is likely to be only temporary.
Women often suffer hair loss after childbirth.
Additionally, menopause may be a contributing factor.
In other cases, strong medication for serious illnesses can list hair loss as a side effect.
Often, in all these cases, the hair grows again after some months.
Just knowing this can help alleviate undue anxiety over hair loss.
In other cases, definite steps may need to be taken to reduce stress levels.
Doing research on stress and hair loss can equip an individual to take the necessary action.
A few months ago I obtained a copy of Jonathan E.
Phillips ebook "Hair Loss No More.
" (See resource box below) Mr.
Phillips is a leading hair loss analyst who believes in a whole body approach to hair loss.
I personally found this 168 page book fascinating and helpful in getting a balanced, rounded out viewpoint toward hair loss.
In his book he has a section on stress and hair loss and firmly believes the two are connected.
In the Appendix section he outlines various methods that can be used to reduce the stress level with a subsequent effect on the condition of the scalp and hair growth.
Learning deep breathing exercises can relax the body and ensure the hair follicles are serviced by an oxygenated blood supply.
Regular exercise, even something as simple as brisk walking for 30 minutes, a number of times a week, can make a huge difference with stress and hair loss.
As the circulatory system improves, the blood supply to the scalp also improves and the hair follicles get what they need.
Attention to diet is also very important in making sure the blood gets the nutrients it needs so it can supply the proteins to the hair follicles needed for new cell creation which in turn develops into a new hair.
From Inside and Out When tackling the problem of stress and hair loss, whichever is the first cause, a combination of inside and outside strategies can be helpful.
For example, a deep cleansing shampoo specially formulated to neutralize DHT, a main enemy in the hair loss war, can yield quick results in stopping hair loss.
(See resource box) Being aware of the things that can damage hair such as rough use of a towel after a shower, or hair pulling, improper use of a hair dryer, and the use of harsh chemicals or alkaline based hair shampoos, can help one take precautionary action so as not to damage the hair unnecessarily.
Then, in addition to these outside factors, concentrate on the factors from the inside which will yield the most significant positive results:
However, the remedy can also be self-generating.
Pay attention to exercise, diet, and deep breathing, and your stress level is likely to come down with a subsequent positive effect on your hair growth.
As you see your hair responding and improving, this in turn will lessen the stress and anxiety level even further.
Additionally, some persons, when they become aware that their hair is falling out, become even more anxious and increase their stress level further.
This added stress to the stress they are already experiencing due to the illness can result in another round of excessive hair loss which makes the situation worse.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Likewise, is hair loss a result of stress or is the stress the result of anxiety over hair loss? In extreme cases this scenario may form a circle and a self-perpetuating cycle.
What is the remedy? Whether hair loss is a result of stress or whether stress is due to hair loss is irrelevant when considering the remedy.
In either case, the answer is to either minimize or cut out the stress! This obviously is easier said than done.
However, by reducing stress a positive effect is likely to be seen with hair growth thus reducing the stress level further as the individual observes a stopping of hair loss and increase in density of head hair.
In some cases the connection between stress and hair loss can be greatly lessened by reassurance from loved ones and medical staff that the hair loss is likely to be only temporary.
Women often suffer hair loss after childbirth.
Additionally, menopause may be a contributing factor.
In other cases, strong medication for serious illnesses can list hair loss as a side effect.
Often, in all these cases, the hair grows again after some months.
Just knowing this can help alleviate undue anxiety over hair loss.
In other cases, definite steps may need to be taken to reduce stress levels.
Doing research on stress and hair loss can equip an individual to take the necessary action.
A few months ago I obtained a copy of Jonathan E.
Phillips ebook "Hair Loss No More.
" (See resource box below) Mr.
Phillips is a leading hair loss analyst who believes in a whole body approach to hair loss.
I personally found this 168 page book fascinating and helpful in getting a balanced, rounded out viewpoint toward hair loss.
In his book he has a section on stress and hair loss and firmly believes the two are connected.
In the Appendix section he outlines various methods that can be used to reduce the stress level with a subsequent effect on the condition of the scalp and hair growth.
Learning deep breathing exercises can relax the body and ensure the hair follicles are serviced by an oxygenated blood supply.
Regular exercise, even something as simple as brisk walking for 30 minutes, a number of times a week, can make a huge difference with stress and hair loss.
As the circulatory system improves, the blood supply to the scalp also improves and the hair follicles get what they need.
Attention to diet is also very important in making sure the blood gets the nutrients it needs so it can supply the proteins to the hair follicles needed for new cell creation which in turn develops into a new hair.
From Inside and Out When tackling the problem of stress and hair loss, whichever is the first cause, a combination of inside and outside strategies can be helpful.
For example, a deep cleansing shampoo specially formulated to neutralize DHT, a main enemy in the hair loss war, can yield quick results in stopping hair loss.
(See resource box) Being aware of the things that can damage hair such as rough use of a towel after a shower, or hair pulling, improper use of a hair dryer, and the use of harsh chemicals or alkaline based hair shampoos, can help one take precautionary action so as not to damage the hair unnecessarily.
Then, in addition to these outside factors, concentrate on the factors from the inside which will yield the most significant positive results:
- Diet
- Exercise
- Proper Breathing
However, the remedy can also be self-generating.
Pay attention to exercise, diet, and deep breathing, and your stress level is likely to come down with a subsequent positive effect on your hair growth.
As you see your hair responding and improving, this in turn will lessen the stress and anxiety level even further.