Diets to Help Thyroid Problems
- For those who are suffering from hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland is producing too much.. A diet that is high in Vitamin C, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids are recommended. The beneficial foods that reduce the over manufacturing levels of thyroid are: beans, green leafy vegetables, soy, beans, and cauliflower. Certain herbs are beneficial and offer stabilization levels that should be included in the diet. They include turmeric, bugleweed and mother wort.
- Hypothyroidism, on the other hand, is caused by overproduction of the thyroid hormone causing the metabolism to dwindle. This would include weight gain. Special attention must be paid to the foods in your diet that aid in the hypothyroidism, but also help with losing weight. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. It prevents dehydration that can cause your body to gain weight and store more fat. Iodine is essential for manufacturing the necessary thyroid hormone. Seafood is high in iodine, so sushi, saltwater fish and seaweed should be included in the diet. Bananas and parsley also contain iodine. Also, use iodized salt in your meals. Fiber is beneficial in helping with weight loss as well as lowering your cholesterol level and bowel movement regularity. Coconut oil is known for energizing the manufacture of thyroid hormone. It's good to drink a cup of green tea daily for it aids in raising your metabolism and helping with weight loss. Foods rich in selenium such as brown rice, Brazil nuts, salmon and tuna are also beneficial. Tyrosine-rich foods are also recommended for producing the thyroid hormone. This can be found in fish, lentils, low-fat milk and meats.
- Many people go undiagnosed who have thyroid problems. If you have any of these conditions, consult your doctor: fatigue, depression, cholesterol changes, neck enlargement and discomfort, bowel irregularities, hair and skin changes, muscle or joint pain or if thyroid problems run in your family. It is imperative that people who suspect a thyroid problem should see their physician for guidance. Each person's genetic make up is unique and necessitates a specialized plan for each individual.