Check it Out - How to Treat Or Even Cure Acne?
When many people think of acne, they tend to think of teenagers, however, this embarrassing and irritating disease can strike at any time, and as sufferers know, has a debilitating effect.
Because, in many cases, it appears on the face, it's constantly visible, and can lead to embarrassment, or even a complex and sufferers will all tell you that finding a way to cure acne is their dearest wish! Banish the Myths Of course, understanding more about acne is the first step to treatment, or even an acne cure.
And there are many myths, fallacies and untruths that need to be debunked before you even begin to tackle your acne problem, and search for ways to cure for acne.
Many claims have been made that chocolate and even poor hygiene, cause acne.
That's simply not true, and if you want to cure acne, banning chocolate, or scrubbing religiously at your face, is not the way to do it! Link to Diet While chocolate may have been given a reprieve as an acne cause, which does not mean all foods are off the hook.
Recent studies have shown that high GI foods, processed, refined carbohydrates in particular, may have something to do with causing acne.
It's also been found that many people with acne have lower levels of vitamin A and E.
While this may not be a fool proof method to cure acne, paying attention to what you eat is therefore still important.
Treating Acne Now that we know what doesn't, and what does cause acne, the next step to cure acne is to find appropriate treatments.
These could include watching your diet (a good idea for general health anyway!), over the counter treatments, as well as natural or herbal remedies.
Any one, or a combination of these might cure for acne, but combining them into a full on assault on your spots would almost certainly assure a lessening, or even acne cures once and for all.
Most over the counter treatments designed to cures for acne contain a bactericidal ingredient, usually Benzoyl Peroxide, in varying proportions, that help kill the bacteria that cause the spots in the first place.
Topical antibiotics, such as erythromycin, also help kill the bacteria that cause spots, and natural acne cure.
Among the last of the common medicines to cure acne would be retinoids, although many women and girls find that oral contraceptives, which affect the hormone balance, also help treat or cures acne.
Natural remedies that treat or cure acne include aloe vera, calendula, vitamin B3 and tea tree oil, among others, some of which have surprisingly good records when it comes to the treatment or cure of acne.
Then there are the prescription treatments, which might include cortisone, or other steroids.
Even light therapy or laser treatment has enjoyed some success in the quest to cure acne.
The truth is, there's really no one size fits all acne treatment or magic bullet that will naturally cures acne in everyone.
Trial and error with the various methods, and a little luck, combined with perseverance, should allow you to cure acne in time.
Because, in many cases, it appears on the face, it's constantly visible, and can lead to embarrassment, or even a complex and sufferers will all tell you that finding a way to cure acne is their dearest wish! Banish the Myths Of course, understanding more about acne is the first step to treatment, or even an acne cure.
And there are many myths, fallacies and untruths that need to be debunked before you even begin to tackle your acne problem, and search for ways to cure for acne.
Many claims have been made that chocolate and even poor hygiene, cause acne.
That's simply not true, and if you want to cure acne, banning chocolate, or scrubbing religiously at your face, is not the way to do it! Link to Diet While chocolate may have been given a reprieve as an acne cause, which does not mean all foods are off the hook.
Recent studies have shown that high GI foods, processed, refined carbohydrates in particular, may have something to do with causing acne.
It's also been found that many people with acne have lower levels of vitamin A and E.
While this may not be a fool proof method to cure acne, paying attention to what you eat is therefore still important.
Treating Acne Now that we know what doesn't, and what does cause acne, the next step to cure acne is to find appropriate treatments.
These could include watching your diet (a good idea for general health anyway!), over the counter treatments, as well as natural or herbal remedies.
Any one, or a combination of these might cure for acne, but combining them into a full on assault on your spots would almost certainly assure a lessening, or even acne cures once and for all.
Most over the counter treatments designed to cures for acne contain a bactericidal ingredient, usually Benzoyl Peroxide, in varying proportions, that help kill the bacteria that cause the spots in the first place.
Topical antibiotics, such as erythromycin, also help kill the bacteria that cause spots, and natural acne cure.
Among the last of the common medicines to cure acne would be retinoids, although many women and girls find that oral contraceptives, which affect the hormone balance, also help treat or cures acne.
Natural remedies that treat or cure acne include aloe vera, calendula, vitamin B3 and tea tree oil, among others, some of which have surprisingly good records when it comes to the treatment or cure of acne.
Then there are the prescription treatments, which might include cortisone, or other steroids.
Even light therapy or laser treatment has enjoyed some success in the quest to cure acne.
The truth is, there's really no one size fits all acne treatment or magic bullet that will naturally cures acne in everyone.
Trial and error with the various methods, and a little luck, combined with perseverance, should allow you to cure acne in time.