Weight Loss - Amazingly Manageable With A Plan
Obesity throughout the world, not just in the USA, is growing by leaps and bounds.
The potential for health problems with obese people will be a worldwide disaster if it cannot be controlled.
The latest research relating to weight management provides that any successful weight loss plan needs intelligence, understanding, planning and most importantly discipline.
If you truly want to lose weight safely and naturally, you must be ready to change your lifestyle and be able to make your health the number one priority in your life.
The result will be a happier, healthier you with more energy and better self image.
Successful weight loss will occur over a period of time necessary to reach your goal.
You cannot go on a quick fix diet and be successful - you will just regain the weight and add even more weight to your body.
Lose the weight over time while you change your habits so that you can maintain the weight loss forever.
Your body will need to become used to your new calorie requirements.
Appetite and metabolism are automatic processes in your make up.
It takes hard work and dedication to change these processes and lose the weight.
It takes even more work to maintain your healthy weight.
Food selection, the amount of food eaten, huge amounts of fat and sugar, unhealthy fast food is out of touch with our biological needs.
We must overhaul our diets and begin making healthier food choices.
Just observing the people around you is evidence of how obesity is taking over the population.
More than 3 in every 5 people are overweight or obese.
In the US alone there are over 39 million obese people.
This is an epidemic.
It is time for us to change.
If you are overweight, unwell and on your way to serious diseases the time to change is now.
Here is how to attain your healthy weight goals.
First check with your health care provider to make sure you can safely begin exercising and losing weight.
Now, recognize the road ahead will be difficult and make a pact with yourself to change your ways.
Get involvement and encouragement from family and friends.
Commit to an exercise plan that is reasonable and safe for your current physical capabilities.
Remember exercise burns fat and the more you exercise the more healthy food you will be able to eat.
There is no secret to weight loss.
You must exercise or use up energy in excess of calories consumed.
It is a simple concept, but difficult to put into practice.
Set realistic goals.
You are not going to loose ten pounds a week.
It took a long time to gain the weight and you will need time to lose it.
A realistic goal is two to three pounds a week.
Think of it this way - excess fat is stored energy that you have not used as you should.
You need to use up all that wonderful stored energy gradually just like burning a candle.
The candle is the stored energy and the flame uses up the energy.
Get moving and turn on the flame.
Clean out the cupboards and refrigerator of all foods that trigger binges.
Remove all saturated fat laden foods and desserts.
No food is forbidden, but must be a part of careful meal planning and portion control.
Choose foods that are filling and that will sustain fullness.
Proteins such as skinless chicken, lean meat, and fish will help keep you full and provide needed muscle building protein.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are filling and necessary for good health.
Low fat dairy and cheese are good choices.
Whole wheat breads and cereals also provide and excellent source of fiber.
Do not be fooled by labels.
Low fat, no fat and diet labels are often misleading.
Sometimes fat is replaced with sugar.
Sure you may be getting less fat, but you may also be getting more calories than the full fat products.
Make sure you read labels.
Keep a food journal - be honest in recording every mouthful you consume (you are the only one to see what you write).
Keep track of every minute and type of exercise you complete.
You will be surprised at the amount of food and snacks you consume if you are honestly writing down everything.
Broken cookies and stale chips do have calories and they do count.
Reward yourself every time you lose five to ten pounds.
Not with high calorie foods or drink, but with nonfood treats.
Bubble bath, perfume, jewelry, sports equipment, tickets to a ball game, a massage, etc.
You can look forward to every milestone.
Don't dwell on the 50, 60 or 100 pounds you need to lose.
Set small goals - five to ten pound and rejoice at every victory.
Educate yourself on proper portions.
You can find books or go on line where you can find the information on portions and calories.
Do not fall into the trap of serving yourself restaurant sized portions.
Most restaurant meals can be divided in half to make 2 meals of the proper portions.
You can ask your server for a take home box immediately upon being served your meal.
Put half in the box before you even start eating.
Also, beware of the bread basket and butter that usually comes while you are waiting for your meal.
Ask the server to keep the bread basket in the kitchen.
Research vitamins and supplements.
You cannot always get all the vitamins and minerals you need in your diet alone.
There are vitamins and supplements that will help you in your journey to good health.
If your are nutrient poor in your diet you will always be hungry even though you are eating regular meals.
Now get started - find out how wonderful it feels to be slim and agile.
Be a great example to all your family and friends.
You can succeed.
The potential for health problems with obese people will be a worldwide disaster if it cannot be controlled.
The latest research relating to weight management provides that any successful weight loss plan needs intelligence, understanding, planning and most importantly discipline.
If you truly want to lose weight safely and naturally, you must be ready to change your lifestyle and be able to make your health the number one priority in your life.
The result will be a happier, healthier you with more energy and better self image.
Successful weight loss will occur over a period of time necessary to reach your goal.
You cannot go on a quick fix diet and be successful - you will just regain the weight and add even more weight to your body.
Lose the weight over time while you change your habits so that you can maintain the weight loss forever.
Your body will need to become used to your new calorie requirements.
Appetite and metabolism are automatic processes in your make up.
It takes hard work and dedication to change these processes and lose the weight.
It takes even more work to maintain your healthy weight.
Food selection, the amount of food eaten, huge amounts of fat and sugar, unhealthy fast food is out of touch with our biological needs.
We must overhaul our diets and begin making healthier food choices.
Just observing the people around you is evidence of how obesity is taking over the population.
More than 3 in every 5 people are overweight or obese.
In the US alone there are over 39 million obese people.
This is an epidemic.
It is time for us to change.
If you are overweight, unwell and on your way to serious diseases the time to change is now.
Here is how to attain your healthy weight goals.
First check with your health care provider to make sure you can safely begin exercising and losing weight.
Now, recognize the road ahead will be difficult and make a pact with yourself to change your ways.
Get involvement and encouragement from family and friends.
Commit to an exercise plan that is reasonable and safe for your current physical capabilities.
Remember exercise burns fat and the more you exercise the more healthy food you will be able to eat.
There is no secret to weight loss.
You must exercise or use up energy in excess of calories consumed.
It is a simple concept, but difficult to put into practice.
Set realistic goals.
You are not going to loose ten pounds a week.
It took a long time to gain the weight and you will need time to lose it.
A realistic goal is two to three pounds a week.
Think of it this way - excess fat is stored energy that you have not used as you should.
You need to use up all that wonderful stored energy gradually just like burning a candle.
The candle is the stored energy and the flame uses up the energy.
Get moving and turn on the flame.
Clean out the cupboards and refrigerator of all foods that trigger binges.
Remove all saturated fat laden foods and desserts.
No food is forbidden, but must be a part of careful meal planning and portion control.
Choose foods that are filling and that will sustain fullness.
Proteins such as skinless chicken, lean meat, and fish will help keep you full and provide needed muscle building protein.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are filling and necessary for good health.
Low fat dairy and cheese are good choices.
Whole wheat breads and cereals also provide and excellent source of fiber.
Do not be fooled by labels.
Low fat, no fat and diet labels are often misleading.
Sometimes fat is replaced with sugar.
Sure you may be getting less fat, but you may also be getting more calories than the full fat products.
Make sure you read labels.
Keep a food journal - be honest in recording every mouthful you consume (you are the only one to see what you write).
Keep track of every minute and type of exercise you complete.
You will be surprised at the amount of food and snacks you consume if you are honestly writing down everything.
Broken cookies and stale chips do have calories and they do count.
Reward yourself every time you lose five to ten pounds.
Not with high calorie foods or drink, but with nonfood treats.
Bubble bath, perfume, jewelry, sports equipment, tickets to a ball game, a massage, etc.
You can look forward to every milestone.
Don't dwell on the 50, 60 or 100 pounds you need to lose.
Set small goals - five to ten pound and rejoice at every victory.
Educate yourself on proper portions.
You can find books or go on line where you can find the information on portions and calories.
Do not fall into the trap of serving yourself restaurant sized portions.
Most restaurant meals can be divided in half to make 2 meals of the proper portions.
You can ask your server for a take home box immediately upon being served your meal.
Put half in the box before you even start eating.
Also, beware of the bread basket and butter that usually comes while you are waiting for your meal.
Ask the server to keep the bread basket in the kitchen.
Research vitamins and supplements.
You cannot always get all the vitamins and minerals you need in your diet alone.
There are vitamins and supplements that will help you in your journey to good health.
If your are nutrient poor in your diet you will always be hungry even though you are eating regular meals.
Now get started - find out how wonderful it feels to be slim and agile.
Be a great example to all your family and friends.
You can succeed.