Female Genital Warts - Is There a Solution?
Female genital warts are small painful bumps in your genital area caused by an infection of the human papillomavirus (HPV).
It is the most common type of sexually transmitted disease (STD), and is often the first sign of other HPV infections.
The virus comes in more than 100 strains, but only two-Types 6 and 11-are responsible for causing female genital warts.
Female genital warts can be as small as 1mm across or form into large cauliflower-like clusters.
They can also occur in surrounding areas such as the vaginal tunnel, cervix, anus, and perineum (the flesh between your anus and vagina).
Causes And Transmission Sexual contact with an infected partner is the most common cause of female genital warts.
It's also possible to get them from oral sex, but the virus seems to thrive better in genital tissues.
Because it's highly contagious, more than 60% of females who have sexual contact with carriers will get genital warts within three months.
Other less common causes include: -Vertical transmission: a mother with female genital warts passes the infection to her child.
-Self-transmission: the infection is passed from one part of the body to another.
-Fomites: the virus can be passed from inanimate objects such as toilet seats and bath towels, although there's no real proof of this theory.
Female Genital Warts And Pregnancy The HPV virus doesn't affect fertility, so you can get pregnant while you're infected-but that doesn't mean it's safe.
Getting pregnant when you have female genital warts can have its complications.
Besides passing the virus on to your child, pregnancy can also make the warts flare up and get large, interfering with urination and making childbirth difficult.
It also limits your treatment options, as some prescription medications can harm the fetus.
Treatment Of Female Genital Warts There are many treatment options available for genital warts, each with its own effectiveness and side effects.
Your goal should be to eliminate the warts themselves and disable the virus that caused it (you'll still be a carrier, but the virus will be too weak to infect you or your partner).
Most doctors will give you prescription medications.
The most common kinds are: -Podophyllin -Podofilox -Imiquimod -Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) If the warts are large or clustered, they can be removed through surgery, laser treatment, or other clinical procedures.
One of the newest methods is cryosurgery, or freezing off the warts so they can be safely removed.
These methods can be expensive, though, and most of them involve post-surgery medications.
Homeopathic Remedies If you're prone to allergies, if prescription drugs are not an option, or if you simply want to avoid the pain and complications of surgery, you may want to consider homeopathic medicine.
This practice is based on the thought that any disease can be cured by the same natural substance that caused it.
There aren't many homeopathic remedies for female genital warts, but we've found one that works well.
It is made from safe natural ingredients so you can get real results with little to no side effects.
Most people prefer this to the pain and complications that may come with surgery or other clinical treatments.
It is the most common type of sexually transmitted disease (STD), and is often the first sign of other HPV infections.
The virus comes in more than 100 strains, but only two-Types 6 and 11-are responsible for causing female genital warts.
Female genital warts can be as small as 1mm across or form into large cauliflower-like clusters.
They can also occur in surrounding areas such as the vaginal tunnel, cervix, anus, and perineum (the flesh between your anus and vagina).
Causes And Transmission Sexual contact with an infected partner is the most common cause of female genital warts.
It's also possible to get them from oral sex, but the virus seems to thrive better in genital tissues.
Because it's highly contagious, more than 60% of females who have sexual contact with carriers will get genital warts within three months.
Other less common causes include: -Vertical transmission: a mother with female genital warts passes the infection to her child.
-Self-transmission: the infection is passed from one part of the body to another.
-Fomites: the virus can be passed from inanimate objects such as toilet seats and bath towels, although there's no real proof of this theory.
Female Genital Warts And Pregnancy The HPV virus doesn't affect fertility, so you can get pregnant while you're infected-but that doesn't mean it's safe.
Getting pregnant when you have female genital warts can have its complications.
Besides passing the virus on to your child, pregnancy can also make the warts flare up and get large, interfering with urination and making childbirth difficult.
It also limits your treatment options, as some prescription medications can harm the fetus.
Treatment Of Female Genital Warts There are many treatment options available for genital warts, each with its own effectiveness and side effects.
Your goal should be to eliminate the warts themselves and disable the virus that caused it (you'll still be a carrier, but the virus will be too weak to infect you or your partner).
Most doctors will give you prescription medications.
The most common kinds are: -Podophyllin -Podofilox -Imiquimod -Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) If the warts are large or clustered, they can be removed through surgery, laser treatment, or other clinical procedures.
One of the newest methods is cryosurgery, or freezing off the warts so they can be safely removed.
These methods can be expensive, though, and most of them involve post-surgery medications.
Homeopathic Remedies If you're prone to allergies, if prescription drugs are not an option, or if you simply want to avoid the pain and complications of surgery, you may want to consider homeopathic medicine.
This practice is based on the thought that any disease can be cured by the same natural substance that caused it.
There aren't many homeopathic remedies for female genital warts, but we've found one that works well.
It is made from safe natural ingredients so you can get real results with little to no side effects.
Most people prefer this to the pain and complications that may come with surgery or other clinical treatments.