Save Hundreds Off The Cost Of New Dentures By Doing This
Are you in need of new dentures? Is this your first set or have you bought new dentures in the past? Are you prepared for the cost? If you've never bought new dentures in the past, you might want to sit down before you find out how much they cost.
The average cost of upper dentures alone is in the range of $1250.
For some people that might not be a problem, but for others, especially seniors on Medicare, it's sometimes a big obstacle.
Who would have ever imagined that getting new teeth in a country as wealthy as the United States would ever be an issue, especially for those elderly and disabled? Anyway, there may be an affordable option for getting new dentures for those that either can't afford to or simply don't want to pay full price.
The option that I'm talking about is called a "Discount Dental Plan", also referred to as "Dental Discount Plans".
These discount plans are not insurance, they simply provide substantial discounts on routine and major dental work in exchange for being paid in full at the time of the visit.
These are fully qualified dentists offices that are just like any other you may have ever visited.
As a matter of fact, it's possible that your regular dentist (if you have one) may already be a member.
This is how discount plans work.
You'll pay a small fee to join, which is as low as $79.
95 per year for an individual and as low as $149.
95 annually for a family.
After paying your annual fee you'll be able to see a dentist within the network within 1-3 days.
You'll save anywhere from 10% all the way up to 60% on your dental care.
I've seen new upper dentures over 50% off in the Phoenix, Arizona area and even though the savings will vary, depending upon the plan you choose and where you live, you can still save hundreds off of the cost of new dentures.
If you are in need of new dentures you really should take a look at dental discount plans before you buy them.
The average cost of upper dentures alone is in the range of $1250.
For some people that might not be a problem, but for others, especially seniors on Medicare, it's sometimes a big obstacle.
Who would have ever imagined that getting new teeth in a country as wealthy as the United States would ever be an issue, especially for those elderly and disabled? Anyway, there may be an affordable option for getting new dentures for those that either can't afford to or simply don't want to pay full price.
The option that I'm talking about is called a "Discount Dental Plan", also referred to as "Dental Discount Plans".
These discount plans are not insurance, they simply provide substantial discounts on routine and major dental work in exchange for being paid in full at the time of the visit.
These are fully qualified dentists offices that are just like any other you may have ever visited.
As a matter of fact, it's possible that your regular dentist (if you have one) may already be a member.
This is how discount plans work.
You'll pay a small fee to join, which is as low as $79.
95 per year for an individual and as low as $149.
95 annually for a family.
After paying your annual fee you'll be able to see a dentist within the network within 1-3 days.
You'll save anywhere from 10% all the way up to 60% on your dental care.
I've seen new upper dentures over 50% off in the Phoenix, Arizona area and even though the savings will vary, depending upon the plan you choose and where you live, you can still save hundreds off of the cost of new dentures.
If you are in need of new dentures you really should take a look at dental discount plans before you buy them.