Teeth Whitening and How It Can Help You
Once it was the preserve of the rich and famous but with the advent of home teeth whitening kits everyone, even you, can now take advantage and achieve that winning smile.
Our teeth are precious and need to be looked after to keep them in good order.
As well as regular trips to the dentists to ensure dental hygiene you should also concentrate on the appearance of your teeth.
Over time teeth can and will become discoloured, which leads to an unattractive smile.
The main causes of this can be diet and or age.
While we cannot stop the ageing process, or prevent what we eat discolouring our teeth.
We can help to eliminate the effects, once you have decided to take action.
This action is much easier than you may think.
Once people start to use teeth whitening they report back how it has increased their confidence.
Before they became converts to the benefits of teeth bleaching, many users claimed that they were very dissatisfied with the colour of their teeth, but were naturally concerned about the use of teeth bleaching, as using anything for the first time can be daunting.
The main problems we have continually heard are that people feel that yellowing teeth aged them.
Some also said that, even though they knew that their teeth were clean, they did not look clean and this stopped them from smiling regularly.
Unfortunately this can have a very negative effect on our well being as smiling does lift our spirit and makes us feel better.
With the new, easier to use teeth whitening kits, you do not have to put up with these problems any more, the kits come with everything you need to start to regain that celebrity smile and feel better about your self.
How to use the teeth whitening kit.
The new easier to use teeth whitening kit, is very easy to use.
The gel comes in different strengths from 22% for anyone with sensitive teeth, right up to 36%, which gives quicker results.
The first time you use teeth bleaching you will need to fashion a tray to fit over your teeth, this will then last over many applications.
Full step-by-step instruction of how to make a custom tray to fit your teeth will come with the kit and is very easy to do.
Once done, you then just place a small amount of the teeth whitening gel into the tray and leave it on the teeth for up to 30 minutes.
The time will vary as to how much your teeth are discoloured but up to 30 minutes is a good average.
The positive effects that people have gained from using teeth whitening are quite staggering and it is always good to know that people are satisfied and that we have been able to help.