Yoga Is a Way of Life
Yoga has become the "in" thing these days.
Well known celebrities are practicing yoga, dietician and doctors, politician, grade school teacher even simple housewives are into it.
But what is Yoga? Some says it is a science of life while to others it is a spiritual, physical and mental discipline.
The term YOGA is referred to as "Yuj", a Sanskrit word which means - to unite, to join or to yoke.
Traditionally, yoga is passed from one individual to another through a teacher-student relationship, using the practical demonstration and oral teachings.
There was no formal technique during those times unlike now, where a logical and structured procedure or process is given to those practitioners.
Hence, modern times see it as a "science".
There has been a misconception that yoga came from Hinduism.
Archaeologists have discovered stone carvings with figures in different yoga positions that predate way back Hinduism's time.
Hinduism had evolved and incorporates practicing yoga later on.
Yoga came in the U.
around 1800s and started to get noticed by 1960s.
Gradually, people accepted Yoga because of it benefits and advantage to the physical, mental and emotional well-being.
These days, yoga is being seen as a form of exercise.
In fact, people from different countries thought that yoga was a kind of "American exercise", and an Indian workout that happens to get popular in the U.
Yoga is more than just a system or structure of exercises, breathing and stretches.
Yoga is a 'way of life' - an individual is able to break the negative habits and views of life.
Yoga provides tools and guidelines in order to gain a balance in your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspect of a person.
It is uniting the body, mind and spirit - which ultimately seek all these relationships in a complete balance.
Its philosophy lies in understanding oneself and the world - it was only later when other religions like Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam and Buddhism incorporates such practice in their religious practice.
Medical practitioners have seen the benefits of yoga in a person's health.
It is effective in increasing flexibility, lubrication of the joints, tendons and ligaments.
It is also an excellent toning exercise for the muscles.
For stressed out career persons and businessmen or even a simple housewife and a mother - yoga has a great stuff to offer.
Regular yoga practitioner becomes calmer - they are more relaxed and have a better perspective of the world.
In fact, some says they become more compassionate of others.
They see life as individuals trying their best to become the best they can ever be.
For them it is liberating - there is no need to see others as a potential competition so there is no need to hold on to grudges and ill-will against a fellow human being.
With this in mind one can develop better relationships with others - so there is no need to stress it out! Yoga reminds people to be mindful of what they bring in to their own body.
Yoga has allowed them to see that they are responsible to take care of their body and that they need to pay more attention in taking care of it.
This goes well with having that kind of confidence.
Indeed, it is true - it does take a strong will to break and change those bad habits affecting one's well-being.
Anyone can start practicing yoga - people of different age and condition, even pregnant women and little kids.
Wouldn't it be better if the whole family practice yoga? Yoga has different step by step techniques and guidelines that can be easily followed by anyone - gender or age.
Kids can practice simple meditation and breathing exercises to help them relax, concentrate and become less impulsive.
Study shows that kids who are trained in these exercises are better in term of coping with stressful conditions and are able to manage their own emotions.
There is a recommended technique for pregnant women as well although it is highly recommended to keep the exercise to a minimum and focus extensively on the breathing techniques.
The daily meditation and breathings exercises will help expectant mothers in easy delivery.
Well known celebrities are practicing yoga, dietician and doctors, politician, grade school teacher even simple housewives are into it.
But what is Yoga? Some says it is a science of life while to others it is a spiritual, physical and mental discipline.
The term YOGA is referred to as "Yuj", a Sanskrit word which means - to unite, to join or to yoke.
Traditionally, yoga is passed from one individual to another through a teacher-student relationship, using the practical demonstration and oral teachings.
There was no formal technique during those times unlike now, where a logical and structured procedure or process is given to those practitioners.
Hence, modern times see it as a "science".
There has been a misconception that yoga came from Hinduism.
Archaeologists have discovered stone carvings with figures in different yoga positions that predate way back Hinduism's time.
Hinduism had evolved and incorporates practicing yoga later on.
Yoga came in the U.
around 1800s and started to get noticed by 1960s.
Gradually, people accepted Yoga because of it benefits and advantage to the physical, mental and emotional well-being.
These days, yoga is being seen as a form of exercise.
In fact, people from different countries thought that yoga was a kind of "American exercise", and an Indian workout that happens to get popular in the U.
Yoga is more than just a system or structure of exercises, breathing and stretches.
Yoga is a 'way of life' - an individual is able to break the negative habits and views of life.
Yoga provides tools and guidelines in order to gain a balance in your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspect of a person.
It is uniting the body, mind and spirit - which ultimately seek all these relationships in a complete balance.
Its philosophy lies in understanding oneself and the world - it was only later when other religions like Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam and Buddhism incorporates such practice in their religious practice.
Medical practitioners have seen the benefits of yoga in a person's health.
It is effective in increasing flexibility, lubrication of the joints, tendons and ligaments.
It is also an excellent toning exercise for the muscles.
For stressed out career persons and businessmen or even a simple housewife and a mother - yoga has a great stuff to offer.
Regular yoga practitioner becomes calmer - they are more relaxed and have a better perspective of the world.
In fact, some says they become more compassionate of others.
They see life as individuals trying their best to become the best they can ever be.
For them it is liberating - there is no need to see others as a potential competition so there is no need to hold on to grudges and ill-will against a fellow human being.
With this in mind one can develop better relationships with others - so there is no need to stress it out! Yoga reminds people to be mindful of what they bring in to their own body.
Yoga has allowed them to see that they are responsible to take care of their body and that they need to pay more attention in taking care of it.
This goes well with having that kind of confidence.
Indeed, it is true - it does take a strong will to break and change those bad habits affecting one's well-being.
Anyone can start practicing yoga - people of different age and condition, even pregnant women and little kids.
Wouldn't it be better if the whole family practice yoga? Yoga has different step by step techniques and guidelines that can be easily followed by anyone - gender or age.
Kids can practice simple meditation and breathing exercises to help them relax, concentrate and become less impulsive.
Study shows that kids who are trained in these exercises are better in term of coping with stressful conditions and are able to manage their own emotions.
There is a recommended technique for pregnant women as well although it is highly recommended to keep the exercise to a minimum and focus extensively on the breathing techniques.
The daily meditation and breathings exercises will help expectant mothers in easy delivery.