Plastic Surgery: Is it Really Necessary?
Plastic surgery used to be something which people such as movie stars went in for, but not the ordinary everyday person. Nowadays, all kinds of people are thinking about having plastic surgery, after seeing all those 'extreme makeover' transformations which hit the news all the time. Most of us hate our imperfections - but should we really be resorting to plastic surgery to deal with them?
The popularity of plastic surgery is largely to do with the high profile it has gained through the many television shows which feature it. Plastic surgery is now available to most of us. However this popularity and availability does not necessarily mean that all of us should go ahead with it. Many of people's perceived imperfections can actually be corrected in other ways. Avoiding surgery means that you also avoid the cost and risks involved. So if you are considering having plastic surgery, how can you find out whether it is the only option, or even the best one? Read on for some information which could help you find the answers you need.
Plastic Surgery or No Plastic Surgery?
If you hate those flaws in your appearance, and you are thinking that maybe plastic surgery is the only way to correct them, then think again. The chances are that it probably is not the only way. It is actually quite surprising to find out how many of these problems can be corrected, or treated, without plastic surgery. There are plenty of less invasive measures, which include microdermabrasion, acidic peels and Botox, as well as simple over the counter treatments.
Here, then, are the kinds of problems which can be corrected without surgery:-
? double chin
? plumpness or fullness along the line of the jaw
? fine lines on the cheeks, around the eyes, at the corners of the mouth or between the eyebrows
? fine under-eye wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes
? pigmentation flaws, discolored patches of skin, etc.
? blotchy or dry skin
However, problems which cannot be corrected other than by plastic surgery include:-
? hollow cheeks
? a deep fold (as opposed to a line) between the nose and mouth
? skin of the neck which has become very loose
? deeper wrinkles or skin which has become droopy, including 'jowly' skin hanging below the jaw
? deep frown lines
? puffiness around the eyes and deep circles under the eyes
? excess eyelid skin
There are other procedures in plastic surgery which many people contemplate and which we have not mentioned above. These procedures include ones such as nose jobs and breast implants. These procedures fall into the category of major surgery, which also have a great deal of emotional importance attached to them. This makes them difficult to place when it comes to deciding whether you should have them done or not. If you are considering any plastic surgery of this type, then the person to help with your decision is your plastic surgeon. Discuss your reasons for wanting surgery with them, as well as your other options, and talk it all through.
For anyone contemplating plastic surgery, no matter what the procedure, it is important firs to equip yourself with all the relevant facts. There is discomfort, and significant risk, associated with any form of surgery, whether minor or major, and you should be fully informed of what to expect and what the risks are before you commit yourself. If you still feel strongly that the only way you can achieve complete self confidence is plastic surgery, then research first. Seek out a highly recommended plastic surgeon, and go to them for help and guidance with the whole process.
The popularity of plastic surgery is largely to do with the high profile it has gained through the many television shows which feature it. Plastic surgery is now available to most of us. However this popularity and availability does not necessarily mean that all of us should go ahead with it. Many of people's perceived imperfections can actually be corrected in other ways. Avoiding surgery means that you also avoid the cost and risks involved. So if you are considering having plastic surgery, how can you find out whether it is the only option, or even the best one? Read on for some information which could help you find the answers you need.
Plastic Surgery or No Plastic Surgery?
If you hate those flaws in your appearance, and you are thinking that maybe plastic surgery is the only way to correct them, then think again. The chances are that it probably is not the only way. It is actually quite surprising to find out how many of these problems can be corrected, or treated, without plastic surgery. There are plenty of less invasive measures, which include microdermabrasion, acidic peels and Botox, as well as simple over the counter treatments.
Here, then, are the kinds of problems which can be corrected without surgery:-
? double chin
? plumpness or fullness along the line of the jaw
? fine lines on the cheeks, around the eyes, at the corners of the mouth or between the eyebrows
? fine under-eye wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes
? pigmentation flaws, discolored patches of skin, etc.
? blotchy or dry skin
However, problems which cannot be corrected other than by plastic surgery include:-
? hollow cheeks
? a deep fold (as opposed to a line) between the nose and mouth
? skin of the neck which has become very loose
? deeper wrinkles or skin which has become droopy, including 'jowly' skin hanging below the jaw
? deep frown lines
? puffiness around the eyes and deep circles under the eyes
? excess eyelid skin
There are other procedures in plastic surgery which many people contemplate and which we have not mentioned above. These procedures include ones such as nose jobs and breast implants. These procedures fall into the category of major surgery, which also have a great deal of emotional importance attached to them. This makes them difficult to place when it comes to deciding whether you should have them done or not. If you are considering any plastic surgery of this type, then the person to help with your decision is your plastic surgeon. Discuss your reasons for wanting surgery with them, as well as your other options, and talk it all through.
For anyone contemplating plastic surgery, no matter what the procedure, it is important firs to equip yourself with all the relevant facts. There is discomfort, and significant risk, associated with any form of surgery, whether minor or major, and you should be fully informed of what to expect and what the risks are before you commit yourself. If you still feel strongly that the only way you can achieve complete self confidence is plastic surgery, then research first. Seek out a highly recommended plastic surgeon, and go to them for help and guidance with the whole process.