What is Glass's Guide?
Glass's Guide is more commonly used by motorhome and caravan dealers, finance houses and caravan insurance claims assessors to establish a market value of a particular model and make of caravan.
Glass's Information Services was originally founded in 1933 by William Glass, a Scottish engineer. Originally, the company published a guide to car values, before adding other valuation guides. Guides for caravan values were added in 1971. In 2000, Glass's merged with Eurotax and became part of the Eurotax Glass Group.
The company conduct regular research of the caravan market, accessing a range of new and used caravan prices, including current caravan auction prices, buying and selling prices for caravan dealerships and manufacturers' selling prices. The company also look at current market trends, such as the supply and demand of new caravans, stock levels and price discounting.
Four issues of Glass's Guide are produced every year in February, May, August and November. The guide generally covers caravans that were manufactured within the last 16 years. The guide lists at least 40 makes of caravan from past and present, including Abbey, ABI, Ace, Adria, Airstream, Avondale, Bailey, Bessacarr, Buccaneer, Burstner, Caravelair, Carlight, Castleton, Coachman, Compass, Craftsman, Cristall, Crown, Dethleffs, Elddis, Eriba, Fendt, Fleetwood, Geist, Going, Herald, Hobby, Hymer, Knaus, Lunar, LMC (Munsterland), Mardon, Sprite, Sterckeman, Sterling, Swift, Tabbert, T@B, TEC, Trigano, Trophy, Vanmaster and Van Royce.
The guide lists relevant facts and figures of caravans, including the make, model name and number of the caravan (including the manufacturers' model year), the number of berths of each caravan and details of the layout, the caravan's length and weight, the cost of the caravan as new, its current retail price and its basic Trade Price.
The guide helps to provide a general indication for the market value and retail price of a caravan in good condition but may be influenced by external factors and any additional fittings or fixtures included in the model.
It is vital that you review your caravan sums insured on a regular basis. It is recommended that this is done annually, as the maximum amount that insurers will pay when you make a claim will be limited to the sums insured shown in your policy. This is relevant for those with caravan insurance that have "new for old" cover, as the sums insured should be sufficient to cover the cost of a replacement caravan or one that is equivalent.